Chapter 034

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Chapter 034 - His Face

“How is his condition, President Liu?”

Recently, the weather has been getting hotter. Xu Yao was worried about whether Le Yao would have heat stroke or other health problems. After Le Yao suddenly fainted, he immediately took Le Yao to the hospital and asked President Liu to personally examine Le Yao’s condition.

Mainly, it was because Le Yao’s sudden fainting spell was too unusual. Even if the medicine he took could lead to drowsiness, it shouldn’t be as serious as this.

“General, with all due respect, Mr Xiao Le’s problem is not just because of gland nutrition he took before. At least, it’s not entirely just because of that. Nutrients like these don’t react so fast even if he has consumed it for a few days in a row. And as you can see, we’ve been checking his body for quite some time, but in the entire process he hasn’t woken up once, which is very unusual.”

“He took the nutrition last night and slept very heavily. But, he woke up this morning in good shape, so I didn’t think about the nutrient’s side effect at first.” Xu Yao took Le Yao’s hand and gently rubbed it, saying, “Do you know for sure what’s causing this abnormality?”

“There’s surely something wrong with his glands. Didn’t you have a physical examination before you registered the marriage?”

“Yes. The physical examination report at that time showed that his OTR value was too low. I have the record.”

“May I take a look?”

Since Xu Yao had already brought Le Yao here, he naturally wanted to find out the cause. Xu Yao immediately projected the physical examination record onto the wall.

This was a private ward. In addition to Le Yao who was still sleeping, there were only Xu Yao and President Liu here.

President Liu carefully looked at the record for a moment and said with a slightly dignified face, “In the record, there is an indication of gland aging, similar to today’s examination result. Do you…”

“I know,” said Xu Yao.

President Liu nodded slowly, “Since you already know, I’ll tell it to you straight. Mr Xiao Le’s deep sleep should be due to his body’s self-repairing response triggered by the nutrition he is taking. We, as human beings, have sleep as our fastest repairing system, whether it is for mental repair, physical repair, or any other physical-based energy repair. Now, Mr Xiao Le is sleeping to promote the gland to reach a relatively healthy level in the fastest way. In other words, his body is preparing him for his estrus period.”

But it doesn’t look that simple from your expression!

Xu Yao didn’t say this, but it was written all over his face.

As expected, President Liu quickly continued, “The problematic thing is that, from the current data, Mr. Xiao Le’s estrus period may happen for very long, long time. Look here…” President Liu also projected a set of data, as he added “The greater the fluctuation of this line, the longer the estrus period is, and the more pheromones he’ll produce. I’ve never seen such a long estrus period like this, in my many years. I’m sure the inhibitor will not be of any effect during Mr Xiao Le’s estrus.”

Xu Yao frowned slightly and said, “The doctors of the marriage center also said that Le Yao is likely to have fluctuating pheromone secretion, emotional instability, an abnormal estrus period and other situations in the future.”

President Liu nodded in agreement, “He’s right. In fact, those things don’t make much trouble itself. You are Mr Xiao Le’s legal husband. It will be alright, as long as you successfully help him through his estrus period. The problem is that… April is coming.”

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