Chapter 057

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Chapter 057 - Le Yao's Business

Xu Yao had actually wanted Le Yao to rest for a while longer, but Le Yao quickly resumed the task of teaching the xuanshu class after repeatedly reassuring his husband that he was okay. He only taught the class, and didn’t deliberately get up early to go to the mountain for the anattā training again. If the weather was good, he would take his students outside, to change the study atmosphere, and he would only have half a day of classes. Besides, Xu Yao was by his side 24×7 acting as his bodyguard. President Liu and Doctor Zhao could also act as accompanying doctors. This team configuration was so good that there was basically no need to worry at all.

Xu Yao didn’t mean to be Le Yao’s bodyguard. After all, he was not that idle. He would listen to the lectures with President Liu and the other four, because he had been the closest to attaining a selfless state on the mountain, and so Le Yao had suggested that he also join their class. In any case, once Xu Yao learned it, he could then cast a wide net and help spread xuanshu further.

“Do you still think that I’m too lustful to learn?” Xu Yao scratched Le Yao’s chin gently. “Teacher Xiao Le?”

“Pah!” Le Yao slapped the big gray wolf’s claws. “It’s true, which student would hook their teacher’s chin like you?!”

“Why only hook your chin?” Xu Yao said and kissed Le Yao’s lips…

There was no one in the classroom after class had finished. Xu Yao trapped Teacher Xiao Le in his chair and bullied him. After bullying him for a while, he realized that he was just making trouble for himself. He looked at his big fish brother and decided to calm down before going out.

Le Yao covered his red lips and glared at him, “Next time I want to see what happens to you, in case someone comes when you are like this. Your thirty years of brilliance won’t be important again.”

Xu Yao took a chair and turned to face Le Yao. “Don’t let me see your face or your eyes.”

Le Yao asked, “Why?”

Xu Yao’s face slightly reddened, before he replied, “I miss doing you during the day.”

Le Yao: “…” You’re such an outrageous student!

Le Yao quickly packed up his things and left first. He waited at the door for a while for Xu Yao to come out. Xu Yao soon came out and helped him in carrying his bag, and then they went over to the cold shed together. Le Yao picked some vegetables, and Xu Yao kept supporting him the entire time in fear that he would accidentally fall.

In fact, Le Yao hadn’t yet come to terms with the reality that he had three little ones in his stomach, maybe because they were still too small. However, now that he knew this, he had become reassured with the idea of eating more than he did before, but still didn’t really feel any difference. Xu Yao was also constantly nervous.

However, secretly and from the bottom of his heart, he enjoyed the feeling of being pampered by his husband. There was probably no one in the world who would hate it when their lover cared about them, unless it wasn’t love.

Xu Yao carried two bags of fruits and a big bag of vegetables in one hand, and the other hand held onto Le Yao. Le Yao followed him closely. When they neared the door, he found people unloading things in their yard, box by box.

“What is that?” Le Yao asked the supermarket owner, the beta sister, who was supervising this.

“It’s food, I bought it for you lest you starve at night.” Xu Yao went into the yard and thanked the beta sister, “Thank you, it must’ve been hard on you.”

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