Chapter 002

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Chapter 002 - First Meeting

Le Yao felt that as early as Jiang Xinduo had said that Xu Yao was a bit fierce, he should have guessed that Xu Yao was particularly fierce. But when he saw the pictures, he found that the gap between his thoughts and reality had surpassed his imagination.

Xu Yao was indeed fierce, and he not only looked fierce, but also had an inextinguishable burning light in his eyes. Le Yao didn’t know who had taken the photos. It seemed that Xu Yao was on the battlefield. His hair was a little bit long and looked as if he hadn’t cut or washed it for a long time during the war. It was stuck with the coagulated blood on his face, forming a menacing sight for the eyes. And such a terrible man tightly gripped a sword with a cold gleaming blade in his fist. There was blood dripping along the sword, moreover, there were corpses littered at his feet. Just a glance, and it seemed like you would be the one killed in the next second!

At first sight, Le Yao got really scared, but when he looked again, he realized that only such a domineering man could serve as the Commander of The Flying Wolf Division of the Tarot Empire at such a young age.

Xu Yao was a Major General of the Tarot Empire’s 12th Military Corps Air Force. He was now the Commander of The Flying Wolf Division of this Corps.

According to the information on the internet, in January 275 AC, Planet Huaxia was attacked by Orc troops from Planet Sarna. At that time, Xu Yao, who was just the Deputy Division Chief, was ordered to lead the Flying Wolf Division to Planet Huaxia in order to resist the foreign enemies.

In July of the same year, Sarna’s army was defeated. The Flying Wolf Division, led by Xu Yao, emerged victorious from all their battles and chased after them. In one stroke, they took two mineral planets that originally belonged to Sarna. His ruthless and frightening fighting style on the battlefield made his subordinates give him the nickname ‘The King of Hell’.

And in August of the same year, he was promoted by two levels, and became the youngest regular Division Officer in the history of the Tarot Empire. At such a young age, he led more than 30,000 soldiers.

However, when all the people of the Empire thought that Xu Yao would lead his team back to the Capital, his officers and subordinates got stationed to Planet Huaxia and have continued to stay there for a long period of time.

At that time, there was a lot of speculation about Xu Yao’s behavior. Some people said that the natural environment of Planet Huaxia was beginning to recover gradually after more than 200 years of recuperation, and Xu Yao was ordered to remain in order to re-explore the new value of Planet Huaxia. Others said that Xu Yao had discovered the existence of some important secret on that planet, and could not return to the Capital without finding it first. Some even frankly thought that Xu Yao and his subordinates were ready to spread their wings far from the Capital, and intended to stay on Planet Huaxia to stand on their own feet with Xu Yao as their ‘Emperor’.

All in all, there were many different theories. That was until the end of last month, when the Marriage Center of the Tarot Empire announced a special marriage order on their official website, ordering Xu Yao to rush to Planet Tarot immediately and register his marriage with Le Yao, the eldest son of General Le’s family.

The marriage order came suddenly and urgently, as if containing some sort of hidden intention. However, when he received the news, Xu Yao immediately responded with his agreement.

When Le Yao saw this online, he was not sure about what Xu Yao wanted to do, but he wanted to know more about him. He found that there was just this one picture of Xu Yao in the whole network. Some other sites seemed to have photos, but one needed special permission to view them. He was very sleepy at this time and didn’t want to bother anymore, so he simply put down his light brain and fell asleep.

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