Chapter 022

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Chapter 022 - A Light Kiss

Because Le Yao talked to the thin air after he ordered to light the incense before, no wonder that some people doubted that there was something wrong with him. Not only the soldiers, even Uncle Ming and Yan Jie thought that Le Yao was a little crazy.

Yan Jie still remembered what Le Yao reminded him before. When Xu Yao asked him to check the problem with the light source, Le Yao said that even he went, he couldn’t fix it. Why did Le Yao think that he couldn’t fix it without check on it first?

At this time, Uncle Ming said, “Yan Jie, tell everyone here that no one is allowed to mention a word of this incident, let alone spread it out, wait until the general’s official statement about today’s matter.”

Yan Jie understood the matter and nodded, “I got it, Uncle Ming. I’ll go to the hospital to see Tang Ye first.”

Uncle Ming, with a complex expression, looked at the incense ashes in his hand.

Tang Ye has been taken to the hospital. His body continued to have a high fever, so the doctor first gave him the antipyretic and checked whether there was a fracture or another heavy wound. After all, he just had a fight with the famous steel man, Xu Yao. Although Tang Ye was second only to him, obviously he was seriously injured.

“Don’t worry.” Le Yao told Xu Yao, “He’s already taking the medicine, it will be much better tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?” Xu Yao couldn’t say how much he believed in what Le Yao said, but he knew that he wasn’t 100% suspicious of him. Otherwise, how could Tang Ye run out from the hospital with injuries and suddenly attacked him? They’ve been friends for a long time.

“I’m sure his injury will get better soon.” After a pause, Le Yao’s eyes wandered around. “But…”

“But what?”

“But if you want him to wake up as soon as possible, you have to hold a big fish and do as I said. Otherwise, he would not be able to wake up soon because of his grievances.”

“Nonsense! Why can’t he wake up when his injury is healed?” Xu Yao thought it was impossible and illogical.

“I can’t help it if you don’t believe me. In fact, just as the doctor said, the two people who fainted at the door are the same. The doctor can’t find out any injuries, but they still can’t wake up.” Le Yao said, “I’m worried that you don’t believe me and only think it just an empty word, so I didn’t stop the doctor from continuing their examination, or you’ll see tomorrow they’ll wake up or not.” The soul has been dispersed by Rong Gui. It would be impossible if they could wake up by their own.

Xu Yao didn’t want to comment on this. He now believed that Le Yao was quite different from what he used to know, but the “holding fish” part was suspicious. He always thought that Le Yao was taking the opportunity to make fun of him. And he really couldn’t figure out why they couldn’t wake up if the injury really healed. At least he has never been in this situation before.

Rong Gui snorted, “This kid is very arrogant!”

Le Yao ignored him. At this time, Yan Jie came to them and Xu Yao said to him, “Yan Jie, you stay here first. I need to talk to Le Yao.”

Yan Jie nodded.

Xu Yao took Le Yao to the meeting room of the hospital. He told Le Yao, “Let’s talk about some personal matters. I hope there is no third person or anything other than us.”

Le Yao glanced at Rong Gui. He waved his hand and said, “No problem, I’ll go.”

The couple entered the meeting room and closed the door. Xu Yao pulled a chair and they sat down face to face.

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