Chapter 010

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Chapter 010 - Summon the Undead

When Xu Yao had watched Le Yao’s ‘Dancing of God’ in the video before, he had seen him recite something. But at that time, since the video had only visual and no audio, Xu Yao hadn’t heard Le Yao’s recitation. Although Xu Yao knew how to read lips, the content Le Yao delivered was unfamiliar to him, so he really couldn’t analyze what was being said.

In the bathroom, Le Yao put some cinnabar powder and white wine into a small jar. Of course, he had not really been frightened by a fish. He just said that because he needed to use a brand new bottle of white wine. This cinnabar solution needed to be mixed with white wine, specifically a newly opened bottle of white wine, so the symbol drawn with it would be more effective. The brush he was using had never been blessed, so he could only pay attention to the items he could prepare better.

Whether Ji Fengyu could be summoned or not tonight was all dependent on this cinnabar solution!

Afraid of arousing suspicion, Le Yao decided to postpone the summoning for after Xu Yao was asleep. He hid the cinnabar solution carefully in a secret place that could never be found or even touched if he hadn’t looked for it himself. He then washed his hands and exited the bathroom with the remaining white wine.

Xu Yao didn’t hear any noise from the bathroom, so he decided to wait in the kitchen. When Le Yao came out from the bathroom, he asked, “Have you calmed down?”

Le Yao nodded, “Yeah, I’m alright now!”

Isn’t it just a 650,000 yuan fish? Don’t be surprised when it turns out delicious after being cooked!

Le Yao put the used wine bottle on the kitchen table, rolled up his sleeves and chopped the fish into pieces two fingers wide. This fish looked like a mackerel, but it was much longer and bigger than any mackerel he had ever seen, and was silvery white in color. After Le Yao chopped it into pieces, he added some seasoning. He was about to pour the white wine and marinate it when Xu Yao suddenly grabbed his hand.

“Is this the wine you brought out from the bathroom?” Xu Yao’s face showed an expression of incredulity as he asked Le Yao.

“Well, I’ll use the other bottle if you mind me using this one,”

That was the other unopened bottle of wine I was keeping to make cinnabar solution in the future! Oh, damn!

“Keep this bottle to use for your ‘surprise’ later. Use a new one for cooking.” Then he put the opened wine bottle aside. “What about the cover?”

“It’s in the bathroom.”

You have said that you are a soldier, but you are also so hygienic! It seems that you have never been hungry on the battlefield before!

Le Yao opened the new wine bottle reluctantly and poured some of it onto the fish. He then stirred it with chopsticks and marinated it.

He wanted to make braised fish with rice. There were also some vegetables in the refrigerator, such as carrots, potatoes and cucumbers. So he was going to make a stir-fry vegetable dish as a side dish.

Xu Yao caught a strange smell coming from the kitchen and frowned, “Is this really edible? If it doesn't taste good, you better leave cooking it to the intelligent chef in the future. Don't waste my fish.

Le Yao said, “I'll eat it myself if it's not delicious!”

The so-called 'intelligent chef' was a robot that could independently make delicious food and manage the kitchen. If you wanted to eat something, just pick out the ingredients necessary and it would help you wash, cut and season it. The owner then needed to place the prepared ingredients into the intelligent chef's stomach and tell it what dish is to be made, and whether is should be fried, stewed or steamed.

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