Chapter 046

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Chapter 046 - Severely Bullied

Le Yao tried to use his last bit of strength to try to climb outside of the eggplant field, but after crawling a short distance he collapsed, and his remaining consciousness was swarming with only thoughts of Xu Yao. Xu Yao’s powerful hugs, Xu Yao’s hot kisses, and his sometimes warm and pampering teasing. He was itching to jump Xu Yao and do that thing as soon as possible, but he could only wait for him right now!

The moment Le Yao had taken the gland nutrition for the first time, he had already begun to psychologically prepare himself, because both the doctor at the marriage center and President Liu had told him that his estrus cycle would be very abnormal. However, after actually entering his estrus period, he didn’t expect it to be so intense! He seemed to be poisoned, his whole body felt totally limp and heated, as if he was being slowly steamed to death. The most terrible sensation was the feeling of unspeakable emptiness raging throughout his body.

He was like a piece of porcelain with a missing corner that urgently needed to be mended, but he did not know where that porcelain corner was.

It was also a coincidence that although Xu Yao had always been concerned about Le Yao’s physical condition after he had brought him to Planet Huaxia, at that exact moment he was occupied with an important matter. Especially in terms of vital signs, Xu Yao had specifically instructed Leslie to report to him as soon as possible in case of any abnormalities, so as to avoid any mistakes as they were surrounded by barracks full of Alpha soldiers. But there just so happened to be a very important meeting today.

Early in the morning, Xu Yao had talked to the junior officers who were still stationed at Huaxia about the subject of re-organizing their defense. In the afternoon, he had received news from Commander Guan Xuefeng that someone wanted to speak with him.

Emperor Kunta had learned about Le Yao’s special situation from Commander Guan, and wanted to have a holographic conversation with Xu Yao.

Although Xu Yao’s official position was not low, the other side was ultimately the Emperor of Tarot. When talking with him, he must obey his rules. Emperor Kunta’s one such rule was the prohibition of all interruptions during conversations with him, including intelligent assistants. So during this period, Leslie couldn’t speak. Leslie had been directly disabled within Xu Yao’s communicator, and could only swim in the peripheral network.

“I believe in what Commander Guan has told me, but can you guarantee that your wife will never betray you?” The majestic Emperor Kunta said angrily, “Tens of thousands in an undead army! This is no trivial matter! What would you do if one day he threatened you with this? Or if he was spying on you using this particular way? What will you do then?”

“Yes, Mr Xu. Although disregarding these tens of thousands of undead troops will inevitably make the soldiers feel like we are very cold-hearted, if they are really used by those who hold bad intentions, the consequences will be unimaginable.” Grand Marshal He Ming, Commander Guan’s immediate superior and also Emperor Kunta’s father-in-law, added, “Can you guarantee that our worries will not become reality?”

“Of course I can,” Xu Yao said firmly, “Your concerns will definitely not take place. I will try my best to convince Le Yao to accept a few students. I think that not only will it make him safer, but we will also have some additional guarantee over the undead army of the Flying Wolf Division. Although there are certain risks, but since ancient times, nothing great was achieved without any taking dangerous risks. Besides, Le Yao is my wife, and I know him very well. Although he is small, he is loyal and very kind-hearted, and I believe in him as much as you two trust me.”

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