Chapter 049

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Chapter 049 - You Can't Do That

Le Yao didn’t know what shame was when he was choosing the underpants for Xu Yao. But, now that it was his turn to wear them, he didn’t even have the courage to put his legs in! At that time, they had been selected in the style of either ‘especially evil’ or ‘particularly coquettish’. Le Yao looked and turned his head away from them a dozen times, and almost felt like crying.

In the end, he chose the one with an attached fur ball tail on the butt area, because everything else looked even more pitted.

Emmmm… At least the main part of the underpants were made from a normal soft pure cotton material, and were not see-through, pierced or hollowed out, and there was no strange pattern present as well. It was pure white. The others, however, were either transparent or had some weird decorations, and looked particularly unscrupulous.

Why did he do such a stupid thing back then?

Le Yao ‘patted’ the fur ball tail two times, and wondered about throwing all the underpants away. Astonishingly, Xu Yao seemed to know exactly what he was thinking about and sent a message to tell him: “Baby, don’t throw them away, or I won’t answer what you asked before. Also, you can choose one of them and wear it tonight before we go out. We’ll go to Fuhe Mountain after dinner, and then go to Rong Gui’s grave. After we return, I will inspect it directly. Be good~”

Be good your ass!

Le Yao held the thing in his hands and wished his stare could burn through the material. But in the end, he took a pair of scissors, cut the label on the top of the fur ball tail, and then washed it.

It’s just wearing them! What am I so afraid of when I’m being honest? Aren’t they just white underpants with a pink tail?!

Le Yao went to take a bath and put on the dried fur-ball-tail underpants when he got out. One should not forget to mention that you get what you pay for, and this piece felt very good indeed. If one doesn’t look at the embarrassing decoration, it was still quite comfortable. Especially the small fur tail, its height was designed just right, it was not too exaggerated, nor so low that it’d be pressed when sitting down. Moreover, when wearing loose pants, as long as the pants are not tightened deliberately, it could hardly be seen.

However, it was still a bit psychologically awkward, like a shame that follows in the shadows, tsk!

Old rogue! If you don’t give me a reliable answer, just see who will be the ‘desperate one’ tonight!

Le Yao put on his jacket, hesitated a little, and set off towards the cold shed.

There had been no freshly cooked dishes at home for a long time, and since his estrus period was over, no one would deliver food to them after this morning.

Although he was still a little flabbergasted at the thought of what had happened at the eggplant field that day, he couldn’t always avoid going out. Besides, it’s not like entering estrus was a bad thing, right?

I must get over this!

So from the living area to the cold shed, a tightly packed figure could be seen running very quickly. This figure was holding a small basket in his hand. Obviously, he looked like a grocery shopper, but he appeared to be in a hurry, creating the effect of a rapid march. When he arrived at the cold shed, he took off his hood in a thunderous motion, and ran straight to the vegetable field from which he wanted to pick vegetables.

“Mr Xiao Le, please slow down.” Aunt Yu watched him run hurriedly and quickly said, “I have just watered the fields, so the ground is slightly slippery. Be careful not to fall.”

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