Chapter 040

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Chapter 040 - Self-Hype Mode

Afterwards, Shang Ting really left with the rocking chair. But when he left, he didn’t go with Shen Weilin, but with Ji Fengyu, Song He, Wang Feixia, Bei Hongli, Bai Yan, and Zhang Yuan instead. Le Yao had burned dozens of paper and pens as well, and then asked them to help record the birthday data of the soldiers after they arrived at Fuhe Mountain.

Ji Fengyu and Song He have been familiar with each other for a few years, so there was no need to doubt his participation. Bei Hongli had recovered after he was reunited with his wife and child, and treated Le Yao as his benefactor. Now, whatever Le Yao said, he would absolutely do it. Bai Yan and Zhang Yuan seemed to follow Song He blindly . Whichever side Song He went to, they followed. Apart from the fact that Bei Hongli didn’t like to talk much, the other people were forthright, and they all gave their affirmation to keep up with Shang Ting.

This was the fastest and most efficient method that Le Yao could think of so far. Ji Fengyu and the others would record the soldiers’ birthday data. Then, when they’ll bring him the data at night, he would use voice command to record it into the light brain with Leslie’s help.

In the blink of an eye, Shang Ting and the others disappeared. Xu Yao, Tang Ye and Shen Weilin were left alone to talk about the current situation at Fuhe Mountain.

As for Le Yao, he was even busier. Xu Yao called Yan Jie, who immediately came over. Sitting in Xu Yao’s hover car, Le Yao wrote and explained to Yan Jie all the necessary information needed to make the eight characters calculation program.

“There are a total of 10 Heavenly Stems: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui. There are 12 Earthly Branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai. The 10 Heavenly Stems and the 12 Earthly Branches are used to record the time we were born. The two of them are combined into sixty units. The odd numbers of the Heavenly Stems are matched with the odd numbers of the Earthly Branches, and the even numbers of the Heavenly Stems are matched with the even numbers of the Earthly Branches. There are sixty groups, from the beginning of Jiazi to the end of Guihai. “

“Wait a minute. I’ll let Mio process the information,” Yan Jie had become very confused, and felt that what Le Yao narrated was like a basic book of superstition! He had to get his smart assistant to help him record it.

“Don’t worry. Just don’t make mistakes.” Le Yao said, “If the day after tomorrow… No, it’s past midnight now. It should be tomorrow. If we are to set out as usual tomorrow, then we will have very little time. Nothing else can be done during this time, but at the very least, don’t stop making incense offerings for the undead soldiers. I think, if your intelligent assistant can really make this small program to calculate the eight characters, then even when the General and I go to Vodapei, there will be someone who can provide incense for the undead here.”

“But, Mr Xiao Le,” Yan Jie said, “Though Vodapei’s matter is indeed urgent, actually, it’s not necessary for the General to go there personally. It’s just that the General had a lot of experience in clearing insects there, so the General has always lead us there. Now, you being here is more important. Only you can solve the problem of our undead soldiers here. So, I think it’s better for you and the General to stay at Huaxia this time.”

Yan Jie thought that he still had a certain understanding of the General’s behavior. It would have been alright for him to go to Vodapei if he hadn’t known about the undead soldiers. But now that he knew, it was an issue impossible to ignore, and Yan Jie believed that their Commander wouldn’t disregard it.

Sure enough, Xu Yao returned in the middle of the night after some discussion and told Le Yao, “The Commander has decided to let Tang Ye take the team to Vodapei, and let the two of us stay here to solve the issue around Fuhe Mountain first.”

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