Chapter 012

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Chapter 012 - Indebted

Early in the morning, there was a ‘clang clang’ sound coming from the General’s house. Le Yao had once again occupied the kitchen.

Le Yao was making breakfast. Since he was sure that Xu Yao didn’t have enough dinner last night, he decided to cook more today, mainly because he had something to ask. Intuition told him that he had to follow the rules, or he wouldn’t have any good fruit to eat.

At half past six, it was supposed to be time for Xu Yao to eat at the military cafeteria, but today he didn’t go there. He leaned his body against the corner of the kitchen table, and smelled the fragrance of seafood porridge and vegetable pancakes while watching Le Yao cook.

Since he was seven years old, he had never slept like the dead, as he did last night. And this morning, he got up feeling sore all over his body, as if he had been beaten. What was strange was that he didn’t have any visible injuries.

He thought that Le Yao would know something about it, but Le Yao hadn’t said anything at all to him this morning.

Le Yao served a big bowl of porridge with plenty of shellfish and crab meat to Xu Yao. He also cut the round vegetable pancake into smaller pieces, put it on his plate, and added some delicious carrots, peanuts and pickled vegetables.

Xu Yao sat down on the chair like a great master, “Say, you serve me so attentively, did you do anything bad last night?”

Le Yao said, “No, what can I possibly do? I just want to ask you, if I want to buy something on Planet Tarot’s online shop, what do I put as the delivery address?”

“What do you want to buy?”

“It’s just some paper, glue and so on. I’d like to make some handicrafts at home.” When making a house for a best friend, it was supposedly best to make a handmade one. Le Yao said with great confidence, “Didn’t you see the rattle that I made before?”

“Hmm. Then I suggest you check how much the freight is first. Ask for my address when you are sure you can accept the price.”

“Freight?” Le Yao asked but saw that Xu Yao was no longer paying any attention to him. So he quietly finished breakfast and thought about the issue of freight.

Last night, when he had looked at the materials he wanted to purchase, he was not sure what to put for the delivery address, so he didn’t check out the items in his shopping cart. Today, he took a closer look and found that the express charges from Planet Tarot to Planet Huaxia were divided into three levels: the primary charges were 800,000 yuan with a limit of 100 kg, the intermediate charges were 1.5 million yuan with a limit of 200 kg, and the high-level charges were 2.2 million yuan, with a limit of 300 kg.

That being said, it was better to buy more, but the cheapest one was still 800,000 yuan!

800,000 yuan!

Le Yao thought that these prices were not unreasonable, but he had to put aside this thought due to the shyness of his pocket. His capital amounted to only about 1.1 million yuan. If he bought something and paid for the freight, there would be basically nothing left. But he still had to buy things for the offering.

If he did not buy anything for the offering, he would have no way to bless the brush. If he did not give any blessings to the brush, the effect of the rune wouldn’t be strong enough. If the rune was not effective enough, he would not be able to raise a ghost. His parents were unreliable, and he didn’t know whether he could rely on the prestige of being the General’s wife, so he wanted to raise some little ghosts to do things for himself.

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