Chapter 082

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Chapter 082 - Heart Of The Galaxy

Although being able to reuse a talisman was great and meant that it would be ‘environmentally friendly’, Xu Yao’s ability was still really frightening. Le Yao had never seen such a person. Because of such a powerful ‘skill’, he wasn’t able to calculate the other’s past and present life. Where had Xu Yao come from and where he wanted to go, or whether there would be any misfortune was impossible to know.

If such a person did not happen to be his husband, he would surely have turned into a lemon essence by now. Xu Yao had all the qualities that Xuanshu Masters would dream about achieving.

“Can the Tianyan talisman I drew before also be used repeatedly?” Xu Yao asked Le Yao. If it could be used repeatedly, certain people would be able to keep their sight open as long as they had one and it would help in reducing their fear of the undead.

“I don’t think so. The Tianyan talisman is used on the living, which makes it different from the talismans used on the undead. If you want to be sure, let’s try it out so as to not waste or increase your workload without any reason,” replied Le Yao.

“Alright.” Then Xu Yao left to retrieve a Tianyan talisman.

There were still some ready-made talismans remaining from before. After taking a talisman, he called over one of the guards who had not yet been given the chance to open his sight and used it on him. After that, he tried using the same talisman on another person. It turned out that Le Yao was right. This talisman could only be used once. The color of the rune would fade away after just one use.

“Before we go, we can leave a few soul-fixing talismans with the Emperor. As for the soul-breaking talisman, I think it’s unlikely that it can be used repeatedly because it explodes with the attack,” said Le Yao.

“Well, I’ll think about it again,” said Xu Yao, and turned around to say something to his father, but saw him still fixed in place, while everyone else, except for Le Yao, had stood up to move their chairs further away.

Xu Yao thought it was a little funny and removed the talisman before going to hold Le Yao, “Let’s go back and sleep. Dad, you can continue playing.”

Father Xu twisted his neck and waved.

At this time, Mother Xu turned and said, “If only I had known earlier that my son would have such a treasured wife… Well, if you don’t listen to me in the future, I’ll find him to fix you!”

Father Xu argued back, “When have I not listened to you?”

“The small basketI weaved should have been used to store materials for my handicrafts, but you insisted on taking it to turn it into a hat! If it had turned out well I wouldn’t be saying anything, yet you made it look like a water bucket… Mmh mmh!”

Father Xu immediately covered his wife’s mouth, “My wife! You are the best wife in the world!”

Mother Xu: “…”

A burst of laughter came from behind him. Xu Yao shook his head and led Le Yao back to their house.

“Mom and Dad’s personalities are very nice, but they are quite different from you,” said Le Yao.

“Well. Maybe it’s because we were separated too early.”

In fact, he couldn’t quite remember what his parents’ personalities were like before. After all, he had still been young when they had left. He only remembered that his mother was very gentle and his father always amused his mother when he was there. They were very harmonious and never quarreled.

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