Chapter 088

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Chapter 088 - A Sudden Attack

“What is it?” Xu Yao asked when he saw that the caller was Yan Jie.

“Brother Xu, something has happened in Vodapei.” Yan Jie’s tone of voice sounded panicked. “Just a little while ago, a group of unidentified people raided one of the mines in Vodapei, the person-in-charge stationed there has sent us a signal for support.”

“Bastard!” Xu Yao immediately became furious. He slammed the table and stood up. “What about the sentries?!” His sudden roar startled Le Yao, and he quickly turned to caress Le Yao’s back to appease him.

“The opponent’s battleship was in stealth mode. I don’t know why, but our security didn’t issue any alarms, so the brothers on sentry duty weren’t able to prepare for the sudden attack. Additionally, the other party headed straight for the mine, and a lot of people weren’t able to react before they were killed on the spot. Our nearest Vodapei outpost has already rushed there with reinforcements, but even after their inclusion, the manpower will certainly not be enough.”

“How many are on the opponent’s side?”

“At least a thousand people, four medium-sized battleships.”

“Leslie, enter DEFCON 2and execute the prompt command directive for all members.” Xu Yao shouted. “Zhang Xuwei, Ke Yang, Liu Yi, Li Chenfei!”

“Ready! /Ready! /Ready! /Ready!”

“Immediately assemble your teams on the Flying Wolf IV. Where’s Lieutenant General Tang?”

“I’m here.”

“You lead the team, use the Haixuan Gate and go to Vodapei as support! Yan Jie, you keep track of Vodapei’s situation, if there are any problems, report to me. Find out the identity of the other side immediately!”


Xu Yao tried to speak in a gentle voice to Le Yao. “You should eat, I’ll go to the Command Center.”

Le Yao repeatedly waved at him with his hand and reassured him. “Go, just go! Don’t worry about me.”

The hover car was already waiting at their door and took off the second Xu Yao stepped into it. Le Yao was still holding his pair of chopsticks, feeling a bit distracted. He gazed at the sky from the window and felt like it was a dream. Subconsciously, he pinched his leg to feel pain. He stood up and with not-so-little-effort, kneeled on the ground and drew a rune. “Here, on this land, I call upon the most Spiritual of the Gods…”

Not long after, Ji Fengyu and Rong Gui appeared. Ji Fengyu asked, “Le Yao, what are you calling us for?”

He had been busy because the hotel and restaurant had just started their services for the night at this time.

Le Yao answered, “Vodapei was attacked. Lieutenant General Tang has already led the support team to Vodapei but it’s too late for me to make any more dolls to help them. Can you and Master Rong aid them in dealing with any unexpected situations?”

Ji Fengyu thought about it and replied. “Yes, you can summon Old Bei and Brother Song to help you here.”

Rong Gui also nodded. “En.”

Le Yao quickly went to wash his hands, before taking the dolls out, and then pasting the talismans that Xu Yao had previously drawn. Ji Fengyu and Rong Gui immediately entered the small dolls. These small dolls were the ones that remained from the batch of dolls he had made before leaving for Tarot. He picked up the dolls and shouted in the direction of the yard. “Brother Han! Where are you?”

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