Chapter 027

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Chapter 027 - Sweet Mouth

Le Yao was probably inspired by his great ambition. He brushed the stone until the brush became bald. Later, he felt that it was not easy to brush one side clean. When he wanted to brush the other side, he was already tired. Fortunately, he now has an “omnipotent husband”. He then asked for help from Xu Yao.

After Xu Yao had come back from work, he not only washed the stone clean and spotless with the high-pressure water gun on the mecha, but also helped him to polish the stone into a cuboid and engrave words on it.

This big stone was for Rong Gui’s tombstone. Before, Le Yao was worried, if he wrote Rong Gui’s name with paint, it would be washed away by rain. Now, Xu Yao helped him to carve the words up, which was no less than the professional tombstone made by the stone tablet factory.

Le Yao quickly prepared delicious food for Xu Yao while he was still busy cleaning the stone. A large portion of cold noodles mixed with various vegetable shreds, sauced beef, a plate of mixed cucumber cold dishes and a fruit platter. He pushed the big plate sauced beef and fruit platter to Xu Yao: “My husband should eat more. It’s really hard for you today.”

As soon as Xu Yao saw that his wife was so cute and even called him “husband”, he thought that in the afternoon he said that he was “great husband”. Suddenly, his mouth overflowed with a smile and said, “Why is your mouth so sweet?”

Le Yao said, “Sweet? Well, thank you very much for today.”

“You’re welcome. And… who said I was a great husband before?”

Le Yao: “…” Fuck! How did you hear that?

Xu Yao saw the small face became red like a ripe tomato in a flash and felt it was funny. He couldn’t help but pinching his cheek.

Le Yao quickly lowered his head, but it was so low that he almost plunged into the food plate.

Just… He was not used to… being so close to people.

He never fell in love with someone in his last life, and Chinese people were implicit in expressing their love to their elders, lovers and children, especially the older generation. So although his master was very kind to him, he didn’t hold him or kissed him when he was little. Not only for him, but also for his two brothers. As an emergency department doctor, the master’s wife was busy in the hospital all year round, she has no time to be affectionate to him.

At the beginning, when he was close to Xu Yao, Le Yao always felt nervous. In fact, it had something to do with his life experience before. But now, when Xu Yao pinched his chin, his face and even his buttocks, he was not as nervous as before, instead he felt something strange in his heart.

He was embarrassed at the thought of what Xu Yao did to him on the day when they picked the mango.

“What are you thinking until became red like that, hmm?” Xu Yao said, “Your ears are red again. Are you a rabbit?”

“I’m not thinking anything! I’m not as perverted as you!” said Le Yao.

“If I was really perverted, I would make you cry long ago, and I’ll eat you instead of the food here! Give me your plate. You should eat more too!” When Xu Yao said this, he stroked Le Yao’s back neck slowly.

Maybe it was related to the habit and physiological characteristics of Tarot people. People here couldn’t touch other people neck easily. Only very close people could do such things. It was not the first time that Le Yao was touched by Xu Yao on his gland, but every time he was touched there, he would have an unspeakable feeling. If he was forced to describe it, when he was stroked by Xu Yao, his body would become a little soft, crisp, numb, and felt a little attached to him.

He didn’t know if it was Omega’s instinctive response to his alpha partner or his own feeling.

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