Chapter 037

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Chapter 037 - Heart of the Sparrow

Guan Xuefeng was the General of the Air Force, the Commander of the 12th Army Corps, and Xu Yao’s teacher. When Huaxia had been invaded by the Sarna army, Guan Xuefeng had strongly recommended Xu Yao to the authorities above, which had led to his current situation.

Although Xu Yao himself was outstanding, without the Commander’s recommendation, getting this kind of opportunity would have been out of the question. But anyways, as a high ranking officer, by choosing Xu Yao, Guan Xuefeng had beyond a doubt, hit the nail on the head.

This time, Guan Xuefeng would set foot on Planet Huaxia to both perform an inspection of the soldiers, as well as to see Le Yao.

Regarding Le Yao’s special ability, after some consideration, Xu Yao had passed the information over to Guan Xuefeng. This was to purposefully restore Le Yao’s future reputation, and ensure that his future growth would go smoothly. It was not uncommon for someone with bad intentions, who knew of Le Yao’s unique ability, to try to attack Le Yao.

“Do you really have to put powder on your face?” Le Yao said, “It looks a little bit… I would have bitten lightly if I had known.” Le Yao tried his best to heal the mark, even going to President Liu to ask for ointment, but the bite mark refused to quickly recover. It really looked like a pork chop, and caused him to be at a loss whether to cry or laugh.

“Don’t worry. It’s already like this.” Xu Yao was a thick-skinned man. He no longer cared if people or even his old teacher saw it. He put on his sunblocker suit and was ready to pick up his teacher.

“Then, if the Commander asks, what are you going to say?”

“What do you want me to say? I’ll tell the truth, of course,” Xu Yao added, “I’ll say that I have a little white rabbit, very cute and adorable, but also very hot and aggressive.”

“No way! I’ll lose my face!” How could I continue to have a good reputation if you say that to the Commander who is coming to our house for dinner?!

Xu Yao changed his shoes and stood at the door, pointing to his face.

You are looting a burning house again!

But Le Yao still went over and kissed him, “Tell me what you’re going to say later, so that we can match up our statements.”

Xu Yao smiled and rubbed his head while he said nonchalantly, “Baby, I’ll just answer honestly.”

Le Yao exclaimed, “You? Honest? You’re honest? You are the most treacherous man I’ve ever seen!”

Le Yao really wanted to throw the peach in his hand at him. But, he thought that it would be too wasteful, so he washed it and ate it.

Xu Yao, Tang Ye and Yan Jie were already in the hover car. Xu Yao never took off his hat, so Tang Ye and Yan Jie could only see his eyes. Since the hover car would soon arrive at the port, they did not doubt anything. They were mainly worried about the matter of the Commander suddenly coming over for an inspection.

Ever since their complete victory over the Sarna army, the Commander had been here twice. Once, he came to honor their achievement, and the second time was for the sake of the heart of the sparrow.

“Have you spoken with Le Yao about the heart of the sparrow?” Tang Ye asked Xu Yao.

“No. Love is love and regulation is regulation, they are two different things,” Xu Yao said, “Le Yao is just a General’s wife for now. He has no obligation to wade into this muddy water. If we really do want to borrow his strength, we must give him a more powerful identity, at least to ensure that he is famous enough to have sufficient reason to send troops. Otherwise, I will not let him be involved in even a fraction of this matter.”

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