Chapter 017

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Chapter 017 - Fruit Picking

In the afternoon, Le Yao went to Uncle Ming’s house. The house was quiet and he couldn’t find Uncle Ming. He had wanted to ask Uncle Ming to accompany him to the cold shed, as there were no vegetables at home.

Maybe because it had just rained yesterday, but the sky outside felt really humid, as if he was in a steamer. As soon as Le Yao left the house, he was attacked by the muggy heat. However, he felt that it was not the sultry weather that was causing his whole body to become hot, but rather the gaze of a certain man who was following behind him!

I hate it! Always bullying the weak and the innocent!

Xu Yao hadn’t slept last night, but he couldn’t rest properly if he knew that Le Yao was wandering around outside alone. After all, there were Alphas everywhere. In case Le Yao was suddenly attracted to someone, it would become troublesome for him. So, even though he had a day off-work to rest, he still accompanied Le Yao.

They were wearing the same kind of sunscreen suit and walked in a line, with the little one in the front and the big one at the back.

Most of the people in the Flying Wolf Division had big and strong physiques. It was rare to catch sight of such a small lump. Xu Yao looked at the small person walking in front of him and thought that it was absolutely adorable.

“Hello General! Don’t you have a day off? What are you doing here?” On the way, someone saw Xu Yao and stopped to greet him. He then looked curiously at Le Yao.

“This is…” asked the officer named Zhang Xuwei, who was the Head of the Light Mecha Regiment. He was a competent subordinate of Xu Yao’s and his position was relatively high. Although they were a pair of superior and subordinate, Zhang Xuwei was also like a brother to Xu Yao. He was curious about Le Yao, but dared not ask any questions directly.

“Hmm, I’m going out to buy vegetables with my wife,” Xu Yao naturally said, “I didn’t come home last night so he was angry.”

“I’m not!” Le Yao asserted, but his manner of speaking didn’t seem to match his words at all.

“Okay, okay, you’re not angry” said Xu Yao as he hugged Le Yao. “Let’s go. Today I’ll buy you enough vegetables to last three days.”

“Well, you should go first, General.” As Zhang Xuwei looked at the General and his wife, he felt a bit embarrassed in front of the newly married couple. Hmm, so… does the General like Madam or not?

The entire Flying Wolf Division knew that the General had married an overlord flower, but the General’s wife hadn’t shown his face in front of others ever since he had arrived here. It was bandied about that the boss of the supermarket and two staff members of the cold shed had met him, along with Uncle Ming and Yan Jie. However, the rest of the military personnel had not yet had the chance to meet the General’s wife.

What they knew about the General’s wife was what they had seen on the internet. Although some videos have since been deleted, they still had some resources here.

It was rumoured that the General’s wife was very beautiful. You couldn’t find an Omega as beautiful as the General’s wife. But once he put on this sunscreen suit, all that could be seen was just a pair of big starry eyes.

Hmm, should he find brothers to accompany him in going to the cold shed to take a peek? Since the General said that he would buy vegetables enough to last for three days, he will definitely stay in the cold shed for some time.

I’m very curious!

Most people here speculated that the General had other intentions for bringing such an attractive wife to Huaxia. But just now, why did he feel that the General’s attitude towards his wife seemed quite close?

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