Chapter 018

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Chapter 018 - Handmade Incense

The grievances which lingered on Xu Yao had not dissipated even after they returned home, yet Le Yao had already thought of the punishment he wanted meted out at night. Who told him to always make fun of me! 

Le Yao even made dinner according to the standards of ‘the last meal ever of one’s life’. He made dishes like steamed fish, cabbage roll meat, broccoli with shrimp and cold cucumber salad. He also made corn soup with minced chicken, and cut a yellow peach into small pieces, then put it in a plate with strawberries.

Four dishes, one soup, two bowls of rice, and one fruit plate, such a delicious and nutritious meal! The more Xu Yao looked at it, the more he realized that his wife was really good at cooking and it was worth marrying him.

When Yan Jie came to ask Xu Yao something, he saw several delicacies laid out on the table. He asked very confusedly, “Brother Xu, did you order these dishes from the cafeteria?”

Xu Yao replied, “Is there such a delicious dish available in the cafeteria? These dishes? Of course they’ve been made by my wife.”

Yan Jie: “…” Seriously?

In fact, Le Yao was aware that Yan Jie hadn’t liked him from the first time they met. But since this person was Xu Yao’s subordinate, surely he would come here often. So, since he still hoped that everyone could get along peacefully, he said, “Would you like to eat dinner here? The food is enough for the three of us.”

Yan Jie was a foodie. He couldn’t believe in Xu Yao’s words which said that the dishes had been made by Le Yao. He stood still, just staring at the dishes and not leaving. Since he had always been suspicious of Le Yao, he felt embarrassed in accepting this offer. Just as he was about to refuse, Xu Yao interrupted, “Don’t mind him. He must have had dinner in the canteen. Besides, I can eat all of this by myself.”

Le Yao: “…” Could you give him some face?

Le Yao was feeling embarrassed for Yan Jie, how could Xu Yao say something like that?

Yan Jie forced his eyes away from the delicious food. “Thank you for your offer, Mr Xiao Le, but I have eaten. Take your time. I have something else to do.” He said that and left.

After the door closed, Le Yao complained, “Why are you being so mean to him? It was just a little bit of food and you became picky about it with your subordinates.”

Xu Yao replied, “If someone else cooks it, I won’t be stingy. But since my wife cooked this food, can it have the same value?”

Le Yao’s face became hot and he shouted, “When you were in school, did you take a ‘how to sweet-talk’ class? Just say you want to eat all of this!”

Xu Yao smiled, “If you know that I want to eat it all by myself, why did you ask Yan Jie to stay? Next time, don’t cook more than eight dishes for the table and you’re not allowed to invite another person to eat it, got it?”

Le Yao said, “I got it. Come on, you have to eat quickly.”

After eating, take a bath and go to sleep!

Xu Yao ​​was wondering  what Le Yao was thinking about. When he saw Le Yao’s expression, he thought it was strange. After they returned from buying vegetables and fruits, he was as angry as a blown-up puffer fish. How come he seemed fine now?

Le Yao’s portion of food was not large. At least it was much lesser than that of Xu Yao’s, so he finished his dinner in a short time. He forked up a few yellow peaches and strawberries to get rid of the greasy feeling, and then went to work on the two branches.

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