Chapter 006

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Chapter 006 - Xiao Le Superstition

After chatting with Le Feishan for a long time, Xu Yao still didn’t see Le Yao come downstairs. He thought of when Le Yao had said that he had taken the cinnabar for a surprise. He was curious and wanted to see what would be done with it. But this old man had kept talking on and on, long enough to cross from the east to the west.

So, he finally lost patience and said to Le Feishan, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to go up and take a look at Le Yao. The weather is not good at Planet Huaxia. I can give him some advice while he is arranging his things.”

Le Feishan smiled and said, “Okay, go. The second bedroom facing South after going upstairs is his bedroom.”

Xu Yao didn’t need Le Feishan to tell him, because he had just smelled it. Le Yao might be taking a bath or just coming out of the bath, so the scent of his pheromone had suddenly become a little stronger, and it seemed to have drifted into his nose. It was like the fragrance of jasmine, with the sour and sweet flavor of lemon, so sweet yet so fresh.

That was the sweetest aroma he had smelt in his life, a scent that only came from Le Yao. He had been determined to marry him when he had first smelled it at the marriage center.

Xu Yao stood in front of Le Yao bedroom’s door, smelling the fragrance, with no rush to immediately enter. Instead, he sent a message to Yan Jie who had been left on the hover car with a communicator.

A 1: How about it?

B 32: See it yourself.

Yan Jie’s reply was very fast. After that, he sent an encrypted video.

Xu Yao knocked on Le Yao bedroom’s door instead of rushing to open it.

Le Yao’s hands and feet were very adept in mobility. At this moment, he not only hid the runes he had made, but also swept the ground clean. He let the intelligent robot sweep the residue to the garbage box. He then took it to the toilet and flushed it. He also took a quick shower and kept the ventilator open all the while to disperse the smell of white wine in his room. The only thing he hadn’t done was to pack up. So when he heard a knock on the door, he had just taken the suitcase out and put two sets of clothes in it.


The smart lock was flicked over, and Le Yao opened the door. He looked at the person in front of him who had a confused expression, “What?”

“You opened the door without asking who it is?” Xu Yao stood at the door, with his hands in his pockets and looked down at his little wife, whose hair was still a little wet. “And why are you wearing so little? What if there’s a bad guy?” he asked.

“Is the smell of my pheromones strong enough to shake all the alphas within a hundred miles? If there is a bad guy, it’s only you.” Le Yao asked him to come in, then closed the door, “And, I’m dressed just as usual, where’s the little coming from?” 

A white short-sleeved T-shirt and beige casual cropped trousers were not a little, okay?

Xu Yao coughed, “Didn’t I say to come down quickly? Why is it taking you so long?” He took a quick look at the room, but didn’t see anything uncommon. Moreover, Le Yao hadn’t finished packing his clothes in the suitcase.

“I don’t know what to bring.” Le Yao asked, “Is it convenient to buy things there? Is the currency the same as Planet Tarot too? What else do I have to bring besides my clothes and shoes?”

“There’s everything over there, but there’s no General’s wife,” Xu Yao then sneaked his hand to the back of Le Yao’s neck. His fingers lightly scratched his neck. It felt smooth and smelled so fragrant. He felt as if a few feathers had tickled his heart.

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