Chapter 099

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Chapter 099 - I'm Not Human

No one expected Le Feishan to dare to attack the Emperor in such a manner. Even when being surrounded by royal guards and Flying Wolf soldiers, Le Feishan had unwittingly managed to pave a way out for himself.

When Xu Yao saw the wire against Emperor Kunta’s neck, he was forced to restrain himself from acting rashly. Instead he could only grit his teeth to ask, “Le Feishan, do you still think you can escape?”

“How would I know if I don’t give it a try? And even if I don’t manage to escape, the conclusion is hardly going to be any better than the situation now.”

If it had been just about his marital infidelity, the heaviest punishment he would get would be a discharge from the military. But now, even his relationship with Wan Chengze had been exposed, so there was only one way out for him.

Le Feishan didn’t look at Emperor Kunta, his eyes were only fixed on Xu Yao. His steel wire could slice off a human head in an instant, and he believed that the Emperor wouldn’t move recklessly.

The Emperor was indeed calm and didn’t show any panic. It was just—the feeling of being betrayed by one person after another made his mood worsen.

He raised his head slightly, suppressed the burning rage inside his heart and said, “Le Feishan, you can stop right now. I might still leave you alive in punishment. But if you insist on continuing this way, then don’t blame me!”

Le Feishan didn’t even consider the possibility of surrendering. His wrist simply adjusted the wire ever so slightly, and the Emperor’s neck was suddenly overflowing with beads of blood.

“My life is the last thing I have, it’s enough for me to do as I want. As for now, Xu Yao, you withdraw first! Let your people send Wan Deqing and Tianyu to me. Remember, don’t try anything foolish!”

Xu Yao hesitated. At that moment, Emperor Kunta could already feel the thin wire tighten, so he said, “Go ahead, General Xu.”

After hearing this, Xu Yao glared darkly at Le Feishan, before turning around and descending from the hover car. He shouted, “You, bring Wan Deqing and Le Tianyu!”

His order was executed immediately by the Flying Wolf soldiers.

By this time, the Emperor’s personal guards had also arrived. They had been informed that the Emperor was being held hostage by Le Feishan through the video sent by the Emperor’s communicator.

Initially, they firmly believed that Xu Yao didn’t have a part in the attack and was still on the Emperor’s side. So, how could such a thing happen?

However, after listening to the order he gave his soldiers, along with some long-buried personal feelings of dissatisfaction, their thoughts turned to the fact that Le Feishan and Xu Yao’s relationship was that of a father and a son-in-law. These suppositions inevitably led to some doubts.

“General Xu, how could you simply leave the Emperor alone in the hover car?” The captain of the Emperor’s personal guard was forceful as he spoke.

“What would you suggest I do otherwise? Do you want me to fight back? Or is it that you really want Le Feishan to kill the Emperor?”

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