Chapter 044

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Chapter 044 - I Will Not Return!

At midnight, Yan Jie, who was holding a mini prison in his hand, exclaimed, “Mr. Xiao Le, isn’t it too small?” He had thought the prison would at least be bigger than a shoe box, but it turned out to be just the size of his two fists put together.

“This is to save some resources. It’s all resized once it reaches the Underworld anyways,” Le Yao replied and looked at the small paper prisons that had been placed in a large cardboard box and were separated by partitions. He continued, “There are twenty prisons in total, which should be enough. Oh, I forgot to get something. Please wait for me.”

“What is it?” Xu Yao asked.

“There are still a few soldiers who haven’t remembered their birthdays. I can’t ignore them. It would be too miserable for them to watch others eating the incense but having none for themselves,” Le Yao said and picked up an envelope. It looked heavy, but it didn’t contain any letters, “I asked Leslie to find pictures corresponding to those people’s information and printed them out. Later, I’ll use these for the offerings instead of their birthdays.”

“You’ve worked hard,” Xu Yao helped him bring the large cardboard box outside and asked, “Should we go to the same hillside as we did last night?”

“No, I have to find a flatter place today to call those souls with special cases. By the way, can we also bring a table?” For burning offerings using the pictures, he would have to put the incense sticks in a rice jar in front of the photos on a table. He couldn’t lay out the photos on the ground.

Xu Yao ordered Yan Jie to carry the folding table. This folding table was a standard supporting device available in every movable house. It was the size of a single desk and very convenient to carry.

Le Yao glanced at the time, it was just a few minutes past midnight.

Since the amount of information that needed to be inputted into the light brain today was huge, Xu Yao had joined the data reading team. Three people read together, and finally managed to convert the birth data of 8000 soldiers into the required eight characters before midnight.

For this night, they had brought with them fifty large cones and twenty prisons to Mount Fuhe. They didn’t release the incense cones immediately, but instead they first dropped off Le Yao at a cave located on the side of the undead Flying Wolf Army. This cave had been blasted during the war. Actually, it shouldn’t be called a cave. Le Yao thought it was more appropriate to call it a ‘mountain pit’. What was even more convenient was that the rubble in front of the mountain pit had been cleaned, and there were several trees growing around it, which would shield Le Yao from being discovered a little.

Carrying a small bag in his hand, Le Yao jumped down and said to Xu Yao, “Give me the box and the table.”

Xu Yao jumped down with the box and the table.

Le Yao: “Aren’t you going to go shoot?”

Xu Yao: “The goal is right next to me. What am I going to do by being so far away?”

Le Yao: “How can you say that?! Be serious!”

Xu Yao: “Obviously, you are the one thinking of strange things.”

Le Yao: “You!”

Xu Yao set up the table and said with a smile, “It’s alright. I only have to demonstrate that kind of thing once. There’s no need to do it twice. If I do everything, what will they do?”

Le Yao hummed, and with a little contempt, smugly said, “If you want to do it with me, just say it, I won’t laugh at you.”

Xu Yao rubbed Le Yao’s neck slowly.

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