Chapter 061

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Chapter 061 - A Family of Five

Xu Yao hadn’t opened his sight with the Tianyan talisman, but he still accurately locked onto Ji Fengyu’s position across tens of metres. He led Le Yao through the bustling crowd of spirits to the restaurant door where Ji Fengyu stood. His eyes flew back and forth between Ji Fengyu and Wang Feixia, and then finally fell on Ji Fengyu. Wherever he walked, a straight passage opened up automatically.

Some spirits had no sense of being passed through, but some of them didn’t particularly like it. As they finally realised what was happening, they decided that they must see who was so bold to dare to pass through their bodies. However, as soon as they arrived near Xu Yao, they all stopped suddenly as if they had hit a wall. They stared with astonishment at this guy who was different from any other human male that they had ever seen before.

Xu Yao had been different from others from the very beginning. No matter how powerful other people’s intuition was, they still couldn’t perceive the existence of the spirits, but he could. And this ability seemed to have improved again tonight.

“Husband? You… you can see them?” asked Le Yao in surprise. He clearly remembered that Xu Yao had refused to open his sight before coming out tonight. But judging from his present performance, Xu Yao seemed to really be able to see them.

“There are some shadows in the emptiness, which is an inaccurate description, but it is definitely different from before.” Xu Yao continued, “Brother Fengyu?”

“Ah?” Ji Fengyu turned around in amazement. He was bending his head and busy writing something in his book, and didn’t notice that someone had come. “When did you get here?”

“Just now,” said Le Yao. “Can you handle this? Do you need more people to help?”

“No, I don’t need more people. But, can you get me some loudspeakers…” Ji Fengyu hadn’t finished his words when he was stunned into silence. He had just realized that the surrounding spirits, which were previously as rowdy as a vegetable market would be, seemed to have calmed down.

All of the spirits were looking at Xu Yao and Le Yao. To be precise, it should be that they were staring at Xu Yao with strange expressions.

On Bei Hongli’s side, the spirits also found out about this abnormality and all of them drifted towards the restaurant. All of the spirits had unconsciously surrounded Xu Yao and Le Yao.

If one was timid, he would faint when facing such a scene, but Le Yao was calm, and Xu Yao was even more fearless.

Le Yao asked Ji Fengyu, “What’s wrong with you? Why are you looking at him like that?”

Ji Fengyu said, “I don’t know. I feel like your husband is a little strange today.”

Le Yao was curious. “Strange? What’s strange? Does that mean he can see you?”

Song He asked in surprise, “Can Mr Xu see us?”

Wang Feixia then spoke up. “Didn’t he use the Tianyan talisman? Isn’t it normal to see us?”

Le Yao answered, “No, he didn’t.”

Wang Feixia: “???”

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