Chapter 019

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Chapter 019 - Up to Four Days

When Xu Yao got out of the hover car, he smelled a particular fragrance as he entered the house. However, he didn’t go to see what Le Yao was doing. Instead, he went straight to take a bath and then sat on the sofa to start smoking.

Seeing that Xu Yao was in a bad mood, Le Yao took the still wet incense stick and asked, “Have you eaten dinner? I can make you some food.”

“No need.” Xu Yao didn’t know whether he was tired or if he just didn’t have an appetite. He rubbed his forehead and said, “What did you make? It looks like snail poop.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Le Yao quickly glared at him, “Have you ever seen such fragrant snail poop? This is called an ‘incense stick’, which is a kind of flammable solid fragrance.”

Xu Yao, you are such a bully! Fortunately, my ghost brothers haven’t come here. Otherwise, I would really arrange a waist stepping party today! This is what all the dead have been looking forward to for hundreds of years, and you called this ‘poop’? Hmph!

Xu Yao really thought that the one Le Yao had made looked like poop. He had once seen a kind of snail in Sarna, which was bigger than the fist of an adult man. It was called the ‘King snail’ by local people. After the poop of this snail dried, it looked the same as the thing that Le Yao had just made. But he was too lazy to talk about this today. He just waved at Le Yao.

“What?” Le Yao put down the incense dough and asked.

“Come here and sit with me for a while.”

Seeing that Xu Yao was not in a good mood, Le Yao nodded and sat down opposite him.

Xu Yao then pointed to the position next to him.

Thus, Le Yao sat next to Xu Yao, “Okay, just say it… Ahh!”

Xu Yao didn’t wait for Le Yao to finish his sentence before swiftly holding him tight in his arms. “Don’t move. Let me hold you for a while.”

Le Yao: “…”

You are holding me so tightly that I could die! And I can’t even move, ah!

At this time, Xu Yao’s lips gently rubbed against Le Yao’s neck, and successfully caused Le Yao to freeze.”What did you make using the intelligent chef?”

Le Yao stammered, “Incense… sticks… It’s for burning fragrance.”

At this time, the intelligent chef’s stomach was full of incense dough. Le Yao directly chose the function for making fresh noodles with an appropriate thickness. As long as it was successful, it would become very convenient and fast for him to make incense in the future.

Xu Yao asked, “Hmm, that’s your hobby?”

Le Yao thought that Xu Yao was a big man with a bright appearance and a hard heart. He wasn’t aware of the world of the dead at all, so Le Yao didn’t want to talk to him about it. He stared at the intelligent chef and waited for his incense sticks to come out of the belly. When the countdown was over, he broke away from Xu Yao’s embrace to open the food bin, full of expectation.

Alas, the result was disappointing!

It may have been that the dough wasn't thick enough because when he had kneaded it with his hands it was still very good. The intelligent chef might have put too much pressure on the dough, so the incense sticks had come out very short. The longest one was only three or four centimeters, and it wasn't straight either, it looked a bit like a twisting worm that had dried under the sun.

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