Chapter 028

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Chapter 028 - Brush Blessing

The next morning, Le Yao washed his hands and intended to make noodles for breakfast. He saw that Xu Yao also woke up and walked to the kitchen.

“Good morning ~”

Xu Yao said, “Hmm. What do we have for breakfast?”

It seemed that everything was almost the same as usual. But Le Yao could feel that it was slightly different. Hmm, what is it? Then he did things unconsciously with more care.

Obviously, Xu Yao soon saw the difference, but didn’t remind him deliberately. He usually went out after eating in the morning and came back after finishing his work in the evening. Sometimes he came back for lunch, but he didn’t have much time to stay with Le Yao. So, after living together for several days, they found out each other’s personality to some extent, but they still knew nothing about many details.

If it was the former Le Yao, he could guess some difference by analyzing the growth track. But this Le Yao was a new one, and the people who know him weren’t living anymore. Only some of the dead may know about the present Le Yao, but those dead couldn’t communicate with Xu Yao for the time being.

“I just found three places according to your requirements. I’ll see if there are any suitable places for you later.” After eating, Xu Yao changed his clothes and said, “In addition, your aircraft is not suitable for flying here. If you want to use it, I can ask someone to modify it for you, so it will be more convenient to travel in the future. But try not to leave the camp, okay?”

“I’ll trouble you to modify it. It’s alright if I just use it in the camp. The camp is big enough.” Le Yao said, “Then we’ll go to see the best place to set up the tomb, and in the evening I might have to go home to pick up something for the offering, so I have to…” Le Yao played with his fingers and said, “I have to trouble you twice.”

“Who am I?” He asked abruptly.

“Ah?” Le Yao was a little confused. “General Xu Yao.”

“And what else?” Xu Yao comes closer and stood opposite to Le Yao.

“Old man? Husband?”

“Who’s husband?”

“Mine.” Xu Yao, you are such a funny person! What are you trying to say?

“It’s not a trouble for your husband.” Then he slowly rubbing Le Yao’s neck, “If you really see it as a trouble, you’d better give me something as reward. For example… ” He lowered his head and kissed Le Yao’s lips.

It was not like the first gently kiss, or the second time with a bite. He started with a peck, licked and slowly grinding for a long time.

Until the slightly pale lips of Le Yao were sucked deep red, and his breathing was unsteady, Xu Yao stopped and whispered in Le Yao’s ear, “Baby, help me button up.”

Le Yao was still a little dizzy from the kiss. Hearing this, he asked foolishly, “What buttons?”

Xu Yao grabbed his hand and put it on his bare chest.

It was hot outside and the light was so strong. Because of that, Xu Yao needed to wear long-sleeved clothes to go outside. He wore a long sleeved white shirt in his military uniform. When he kissed Le Yao, he didn’t fasten a single button. At this moment, when Le Yao raised his head a little, he could see Xu Yao’s strong and firm chest muscle and when he lowered his head, his eight strong abdominal muscles came into view. What a strong visual impact!

“I… I won’t do it!” Le Yao said that and wanted to draw back his hand. He hasn’t buckled it yet, but his heart already beating rapidly. If he buckled the buttons, he would surely explode ah!!

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