Chapter 011

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Chapter 011 - People are Hard to Tear Down

This grayish-shadowy figure was floating off the ground, had ragged clothes, and at first glance looked like a beggar, who had the ability to hang in the air. The ‘beggar’ was about 17 or 18 years old, with a neatly shaved head, a pale complexion, and three-dimensional facial features which made him seem very handsome. It was his pair of dark eyes that stole the show, they always showed awkwardness when facing other people. This being was exactly who Le Yao had been looking for: Ji Fengyu.

In January 2017, Ji Fengyu had died after being stabbed three times by his year-long drunkard of a father in a conflict. After his death, his father had managed to escape justice for more than half a year before he was finally arrested. There had been no one to give him a funeral, no one to see him off, no one to burn a pillar of incense for him and set up a memorial tablet. Ji Fengyu held too many grievances against the world, and since he couldn’t enter reincarnation without letting them go, he became a ghost in a blink of an eye.

It was Le Yao who had accidentally seen him wandering outside the Buddhist shop, invited him to ‘eat’ sanzhuxiang, and talked with him. After learning that he had lived only one street away from him, Le Yao recited sutras for him every day, hoped to untie his heart knot as soon as possible.

Later, the knot still failed to be resolved, but the ‘two’ became good friends without any troubles. It was because Le Yao was the one that he could trust the most in the world.

“Who are you?” At the moment, Ji Fengyu was frowning, whizzing towards Le Yao until he was a centimeter away, and looked down at him. The green and gray wisps indicative of an evil spirit was overflowing from his shadow. It was a very gloomy atmosphere, and Le Yao felt like he would be strangled if he said the wrong words. “How did you know the way to summon me?”

“Fengyu, I’m Le Yao.” Le Yao whispered, “Do you remember me? Le Yao from the Buddhist shop.”

Grandma! I feel a little nervous! It’s been more than five hundred years, hasn’t it?

“Le Yao?” Ji Fengyu looked up and down at him for a moment, and then he slowly took back his grumpiness. It seemed that he still couldn’t fully believe it. “Are you really that Le Yao?”

“Yes, yes, it’s me!” When Ji Fengyu heard him, he seemed to remember. He nodded his head and looked out of the bathroom. Le Yao’s voice became even smaller. “Didn’t I die in March 2019? I don’t know how I reincarnated into this world, but now this is my new body. How have you been these years? Has there been anyone else who prayed for you after I died? “

Ji Fengyu didn’t answer Le Yao’s question, and instead he suddenly asked, “… Who is that man, who is sleeping outside, to you?”

“The man outside?” After some time, Le Yao realized who Ji Fengyu was referring to, “Oh, he is my husband, Xu Yao. I woke up on Planet Tarot at first. He brought me here.” He had just finished his words only to see Ji Fengyu’s expression had become strange, so Le Yao asked, “What’s the matter?”

“He’s going to wake up,” Ji Fengyu said.

Le Yao: “!!!”

Le Yao listened carefully, and sure enough there was a slight sound of shifting in the quilt coming from the bedroom. Soon after that, he seemed to hear a whispering voice coming from Xu Yao's mouth. He could not hear it clearly and said, “He carried such heavy grievances from the dead, how come he can still get up?”

Such heavy grievances, under normal circumstances, were strong enough to make someone sleep until dusk of the next day!

Ji Fengyu frowned and said, “He is not a normal person. Haven’t you found out that he is able to drive out the grievances by himself? Although his hands are covered with blood, the man’s bones are full of righteousness, meaning that kind of grievance can’t haunt him for long.”

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