Chapter 081

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Chapter 081 - You're Abnormal

It was too light. If Le Yao hadn’t placed his stomach so close to Xu Yao, the kick wouldn’t have been felt at all. However, even such a light kick was enough to stun Xu Yao. He immediately froze from the staggering amount of joy!

“Did a child just kick me? Is it true?” Xu Yao was feeling a bit emotional and sensed that he was soon going to become incoherent. He wasn’t expecting such an outcome!

“You felt it?” Le Yao laughed. “Actually, I began to feel them kicking a few days ago, but it’s still too light. I didn’t think you would actually be able to feel it, so I didn’t tell you before. How is it? Isn’t it fun?”

“It’s great.” Xu Yao said, “I don’t know which baby kicked, but really, it’s a great feeling.” Xu Yao felt so happy that he wanted to let people all over the world know!

“All right, now let go. If you hug with a little more force, they’ll be flattened.” Le Yao gently pushed Xu Yao away from him. No matter how stimulating it was, too much pressure would still hurt him.

He had simply thought that it was fun and wanted to share this feeling with Xu Yao, but he had not expected such a level of excitement from Xu Yao.

It was truly invigorating. It felt like the first real interaction between a father and his babies, not simply a one-sided ‘I know you exist, but you don’t know how to respond to me’ feeling.

Xu Yao slowly released him, but his hands were still placed on Le Yao’s stomach. Perhaps they felt the warmth of their father’s palm, so he didn’t know which one, but a little guy had kicked at him lightly again.

The strength used was little, but from the first time Xu Yao felt it, he could sense a warm love start to surge from his palm to the bottom of his heart.

My heart is going to melt.

As Le Yao laid down on his back to rest, Xu Yao suddenly pulled open his clothes, took a picture, and captioned it as: First duel with the babies, they won.

When Le Yao saw the words, he laughed, “Three versus one, Dad can’t resist. They’re so powerful.”

Xu Yao smiled and caressed Le Yao’s ear. After thinking about it, he finally asked, “Do you really want to go back to Huaxia so soon? The temperature over there is very high right now.”

“Un, let’s go back as soon as you’re done. At most, I’ll stay indoors and away from the heat. What’s more, I’ll be using the hover car whenever I go out, so it will be alright. The weather will only be like this for two more months right? Then it’ll get cold again after that?”

At present, Huaxia’s climate was still at extremes, with it being especially cold during the winter and scorching hot during the summer. This was related to the rotational and angular change in Earth’s axis which couldn’t be fixed by human beings. However, it was also true that the temperature tended to be stable for a particular season and was gradually normalizing. In any case, he still wanted to go back.

When the weather turned cold, the Flying Wolf Division would move to another relatively warmer location on Earth’s surface. If it became colder, they would go to a hotter place.

Besides, Xu Yao would also need to leave as soon as the conference ended if they wanted to be able to relocate the whole division before entering the month of November.

“These days, think about what you haven’t bought and order everything you want, so we can take it back with us when we leave.” Xu Yao continued, “In addition, I also have to ask my wife for some advice.”

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