Chapter 089

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Chapter 089 - A Sudden Shift

“You, surnamed Wan, are you crazy?! Do you even know what you’re doing right now?” After Xu Yao connected to the other party’s communication system, he bombarded that person with a ferocious roar in a rare display of strong emotions. Generally, it didn’t matter how they fought with foreign enemies, but now, he had been attacked by the people belonging to his own side. Him being stationed in Huaxia meant that he didn’t have a particularly good relationship with those of Blood Prison, but, in the end, they were all citizens of Tarot.

“Hmm… I’ve never been as sober as I am at this moment.” Wan Deqing’s sharp face, filled with apathy and traces of ridicule, appeared on the screen. “Both of us have the same duties on faraway planets, yet you can enjoy the warmth of the sunshine here, whilst our Wan Family has to guard the cold and darkness on Blood Prison. You tell me why is it so?!”

“Is this the reason why you’ve turned to attack your own people?”

“If you think it’s because of that, then it is.” Wan Deqing laughed. “In any case, the war has already started and I won’t be the one stopping it. General Xu, take a guess, who do you think will win this battle?”

“Do I need to guess? Laozi has yet to learn how to write the word ‘defeat’ during this lifetime. Besides, you think it’s a sure-fire thing to join forces with the Orcs? The Emperor attaches a significant amount of importance to Huaxia, much more than you can think of.”

“The Emperor? I’m afraid he’ll be too busy to care. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…”

With this, the communication between the two ended. Xu Yao pondered on Wan Deqing’s last words and his face suddenly darkened. “Leslie, quickly contact Uncle Guan.”

Guan Xuefeng did not pick up the call.

Leslie said, “General, the Commander is in a meeting.”

“Brother Xu, why are you calling Uncle Guan?” Yan Jie asked.

“If Wan Deqing can silently lead an army here, he can attack Xingdu as well.”

“No way! He has fewer people, it’ll result in a difficult battle if he chooses to attack the Capital. Does he dare to face the entire garrison of Xingdu, which is full of soldiers?”

“What else doesn’t he dare to do?!” Xu Yao would have also thought it impossible at the beginning, but what if Wan Deqing had already quietly sent people to Xingdu?

Up until now, criminals with a lengthy prison sentence and the death penalty sentence were incarcerated in Blood Prison. Moreover, all criminals, across the entire Tarot Empire, guilty of a major crime would usually be transported to Blood Prison, thus increasing the concentration of criminals there. The escort spaceship for prisoners travelled to and from the planet once a month. They would release the prisoners who were due to be released from prison, and bring the new incoming prisoners, who had been sentenced to a long prison term or the death penalty, back to Blood Prison. At the same time, a shift change for the guards would take place.

It would be good if this monthly routine proceeded just like it normally should. But, what if that pair of Wan father-and-son, under the ruse of transporting prisoners, secretly delivered their own people to Tarot?

Wan Deqing wasn’t old, and his father was only in his fifties. It had been ten years since he had taken over the position of Chief Warden of Blood Prison. If he really wanted to mutiny against Tarot, ten years of time was more than enough for the necessary preparations. Furthermore, since Wan Deqing dared to confront him in such a manner, he obviously wasn’t afraid of any consequences coming from those at the top.

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