Chapter 039

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Chapter 039 - The Powerful Madam

Whether it was Xu Yao, Tang Ye or Guan Xuefeng, the situation on the ground was shocking for them all. Four years had passed since the war. Who would have thought that in those four years, the comrades they thought dead were still fighting?

Xu Yao’s eyes turned red, and he immediately ordered Leslie to fly closer to the ground.

“No!” exclaimed Le Yao, “You won’t be able to do any damage to the enemy with a physical attack. If you go now, you will only break the delicate balance they have created which won’t help them.”

“I don’t want to go down to help. I just want them to know that we are here,” said Xu Yao.

“Then wait, let’s find a place farther from here to land. I will try to summon a single lone soldier for you.” Le Yao added, “You can’t directly plunge into their midst anyway, otherwise the situation down there will easily spin out of control.” He had come to summon the undead, not to help fight the undead. He had not drawn any talisman that could attack spirits. If they really fought, it would become a mess.

“Listen to Le Yao.” At this time, Guan Xuefeng ordered, “Since you now know that they do exist, don’t rush for the moment.”

“… Leslie, head twenty kilometers southwest,” Xu Yao’s gaze was fixated on the battlefield, and this usually calm man found it very hard to restrain himself at this moment.

Le Yao asked, “Tell me the birth-dates and birth-times of the soldiers you want to summon. Also, what is the name of the place where the battlefield was situated just now?”

Xu Yao answered, “This is Fuhe Mountain. Leslie, find the birth information of Shang Ting and Shen Weilin, you also need to know the exact time of their birth.”

Leslie: “Yes, General.”

A moment later, Leslie reported two sets of information. Le Yao began to calculate their eight characters. He recorded the calculation in his own communication device. When they disembarked the hover car 20 kilometers southwest, Le Yao found a relatively clean and flat place for the summoning ritual. He held the small toothless dinosaur wand in his left hand and a blessing brush in his right hand. Then, he quickly drew a rune, using the brush, on the ground, which contained the eight characters of Shang Ting and Shen Weilin.

He then drew a circle outside the rune and chanted, “Here, on this land, I call the most spiritual of the Gods, through the Heavens and the Earth, out of the Secluded and into the Underworld, with the spirit and worship of my heart, to please hear me out. Shang Ting, Shen Weilin, if you are listening to this prayer, come and gather quickly!”

Hoooo ~~~

A familiar wind rolled up on the ground again, bringing with it nebulous skies. Soon, two gray-blue spirits appeared opposite Xu Yao and Tang Ye.

Both of these spirits had masculine figures and were about 1.8 meters tall. They were wearing the uniform of the Flying Wolf Division, but under the suffering of the attacks from prolonged battles, it was hard to see the model. The most unnerving part of the view was probably their spirit body, one of which had the whole arm blown off, and the other had a hole as thick as an orc’s wrist going through his chest and abdomen.

Guan Xuefeng was right next to Xu Yao and Tang Ye. Naturally, when he saw the undead for the first time, he was shocked!

It’s one thing to see them from a hover car, another to see it in person!

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