Chapter 064

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Chapter 064 - A Sincere Apology

“Le Tianyu! Are you mentally retarded?” Le Feishan immediately contacted Le Tianyu and scolded him, “You didn’t think that you’ve already caused enough trouble for me, did you? Delete the video you posted immediately!”

“Dad, Dad, don’t shout. I’ll delete it, wu wu wu…”

It didn’t take long for Le Tianyu to regret posting the video. But it was too late. By the time he realized what he had done was wrong, someone had already taken a screenshot and reposted his video. Now everyone on the Internet knew that he had evidence of Le Yao ‘black history’.

In the video, Le Yao fought with people, smoked, was always grumpy and also damaged public facilities. He was arrogant and rebellious, with a ‘wild’ attitude written all over his face.

If someone had seen such a video before, it was predictable that they would criticize the person without question. But now, it was different. With Jiang Xinduo’s ‘smile at his misfortune’ and Le Tianyu’s hypocritical ‘care’ toward Le Yao, these videos led to two outcomes in the people’s eyes; some people criticized, but more people expressed sympathy.

[ Punch lovers: Growing up in an environment where the father doesn’t care and the mother doesn’t love, it’s normal to have psychological problems. But isn’t this certain step-brother’s heart too dark? ]

[ I’m a B: Think about it carefully, how could his younger brother unexpectedly still keep all the videos of his brother’s ‘bad deeds’? What the hell? ]

[ Su Yun: Is it a psychological twist? Le San Shao doesn’t like you. I don’t like you either! ]

[ Lucky little fool: Don’t like + 1 ]

[ Two days in the past: Don’t like + 2 ]

[ I’m a B: Wait, aren’t these videos the ones that have been posted online before? Could it be that the videos from that time also came from Heart of Shit? ]

[ My A is far away: That’s really possible. I feel like almost all the videos that he had posted in the past were the same as these ones. ]

Le Tianyu, who had been expecting everyone to abuse Le Yao, suddenly lost his strength. He had no time to delete the videos, and instead abruptly closed his Tarot account!

Unable to leave any comments and scold Le Tianyu, the netizens turned to bother Purple bubble again for more explanations. Purple bubble had always been paying attention to Le Tianyu’s account. He was also one of the accounts who had reposted Le Tianyu videos. When he checked his account again, he realized that he had received a bunch of messages and immediately left a string of comments.

[ Purple bubble: I don’t want to talk about it. Everyone, see it for yourself, @Heart of jade is this kind of person! ]

[ Purple bubble: All day, his exterior looks like a white lotus, but his mind is darker than anyone else! ]

[ Mining for three generations: Look! @Le San Shao also posted a video! ]

Purple bubble had waited for Le Tianyu to apologize to him in public on the Tarot network, but he never showed up. Instead, Le Yao had recorded an apology video after seeing the videos that Le Tianyu had posted.

Le Yao had actually been about to sleep. But, after seeing the videos that Le Tianyu had sent, he got up again. He wore a very simple white shirt and light gray shorts. After bathing and washing his hair, he laid on the bed for a while without drying it with a hairdryer, so his hair was still a little messy. He looked innocent, and even seemed a bit cute. His back was facing the window and he said directly into the camera, “Today I’m here to apologize to all the people that I’ve hurt. I’m sorry, I didn’t understand before that what I was doing was hurting you. I know that some of the injuries that I’ve caused can’t be forgotten and my words will not help you to erase them. But still, I want to solemnly say to you: I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

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