Chapter 052

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Chapter 052 - The Good Fortune Talisman

If it had been just one or two people who were speaking into the air, they could say that those people were acting. But if thousands of people within a room were speaking into the air, all of them could not be acting like they had gone crazy. Moreover, if they received a response from the other side in the form of writing, what would that really mean? It meant that the Flying Wolf Division really had an army comprised of the undead! These undead may have no physical bodies, but they could express their own ideas!

Wang Hao felt as if his eyes had opened up to the existence of a new world. He observed the strange scene that was occurring in front of him for a long time before taking his team and leaving the cafeteria. He was not heading back to their guest house, but returning to Planet Tarot.

“Captain, don’t you need to ask the General for permission?” One of Wang Hao’s team members asked, “Let’s not go back straightaway in case he blames us of insubordination…”

“Don’t leave now and wait till we are kicked out of here?” asked Wang Hao. “To be able to remain here till now is a great honor that we have received from General Xu and the Third Young Master. However, he doesn’t want to go back, and we have no ability to make him come with us. He’s not who he used to be, now.” The young man, who used to spend a lot of money and was especially talented at making trouble, had changed and become a different person. He had an extraordinary ability and seemed to have a real romantic relationship with Xu Yao.

“Alright then.” When the one who had posed the initial question thought about the scene in the cafeteria, he also felt his scalp numb a bit. He suddenly thought about that one night when their dormitory room had suddenly chilled, and this phenomenon was repeated when the so-called Undead Army arrived today.

There’s been no change on the thermometer, but it’s getting cold.

Thinking of the possibilities, the man shivered fiercely and hastened in packing up his luggage.

Xu Yao was the first to receive the news about their departure, as Wang Hao had sent him a message stating that he would return to Planet Tarot.

Xu Yao didn’t ask any questions and just replied, “Please travel safely. I won’t send you away.”

Wang Hao responded, “Thank you for the hospitality during these days. I’ll invite you to dinner when you and the Third Young Master return to Xingdu, using my own name.”

Xu Yao replied, “Well…”

Then he sent a typed message to Wang Hao: If you get vacation time, you can visit the Flying Wolf Division. Isn’t it more fun here than at the Le Family?

Wang Hao read it twice and said: Thank you, Senior Brother.

Then he deleted their conversation.

At this time, Le Yao caught Xu Yao staring at his communicator and asked, “What’s the matter, husband?”

Xu Yao replied with a smile, “It’s nothing.” Then he looked at Yan Jie and ordered, “Yan Jie, contact our Communication Team in Vodapei to see if they are on a break at this time. If so, make Lieutenant General Tang take a look at our dinner party here.”

“Okay, no problem,” said Yan Jie.

A video call between the two sides was soon established, but the signal was not that good. However, Tang Ye could still see that on the long rows of tables, their subordinates were crying, laughing, eating and chatting together, as if they had returned to their pre-war days.

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