Chapter 079

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Chapter 079 - Breaking Out Of The Shell

“Where is he?”

“On Planet Blood Prison.” Yan Jie continued, “Brother Xu, you guessed right. There’s really someone who’s a plastic surgeon in that prison full of hardened criminals. His name is Zheng Shuo. He used to work in a plastic surgery hospital in Byron. Three years ago, a medical accident took place in this hospital. The hospital decided that it was his responsibility, so they fired him. He also lost a lot of money because of this. However, he later discovered that the issue with the drug used in the medical accident was not caused by him, but instead, someone had deliberately tampered with the medicine, in order to dig a hole for him. Once he found out about this, he asked the man to surrender himself, but the other side refused, so he sued that man. Unfortunately, due to a lack of evidence and the background of the other party being much stronger than his own, he did not achieve his desired result. At last, he angrily did away with the other party—” Yan Jie made a gesture of swiping his hand across his neck.

“Isn’t he supposed to be sentenced to death? How can he still be alive?” asked Le Yao. Although the man named Zheng Shuo was very unlucky to be trapped like that, intentionally killing someone was a capital crime.

“It’s not clear. But one thing is very interesting.” Yan Jie pulled up a picture on the communicator, which showed the very fierce face of a 40-year-old man. “This is the Chief Warden of the prison. He is an acquaintance of General Le Feishan’s. I also discovered that he has a son, an Alpha, and now, Le Tianyu is with that Alpha.”

“If one’s guts are big enough, Blood Prison is definitely a good place to steal the beam and change the pillar. The evidence of a guilty past can be changed into innocence with a new face,” said Xu Yao. “It’s not hard to understand why Le Feishan wanted to keep Zheng Shuo alive.”

“What shall we do next? Do you want to bring Le Tianyu back?” Yan Jie continued, “He has just finished his operation.”

“No. With so many munitions on Blood Prison, it’ll be impossible to bring a person back without any ghosts knowing. Once the other party finds out about our actions, Le Tianyu will be put to death. So we can only put this matter aside for now. In any case, Le Feishan intends to change his face. Sooner or later, he will let Le Tianyu return. At that time, find a suitable person to bring him over here.”

“Alright, do you have any other orders, Brother Xu?”

“Check again to see whose face Le Tianyu has changed into. After Zheng Shuo arrived at Blood Prison, did any of its staff quit their post?”

“Ah, I know what you mean.”

“Go.” When he finished, he turned around to see Le Yao looking at him in a daze, without blinking his eyes. Xu Yao then said, “These little lively eyes should stop staring at me like this, else I may end up late to the meeting in the afternoon.”

“But husband, you look really handsome when you analyze problems.” Le Yao wondered, “And why do you want Yan Jie to check if any Blood Prison’s staff has quit their post?”

“Because if someone is really collecting money to change a prisoner’s identity and face, it would be more convenient for them to change it to a person with the identity of a staff member. If this is done, then the prisoner whose face has been changed will not be able to stay in Blood Prison any more. Do you understand that? Of course, I’m just guessing. Otherwise, it’ll be impossible for a person to get plastic surgery after they’ve grown old, if that’s why they’ve been keeping Zheng Shuo on retainer for such a long time.”

“If that’s true, it’s too…” Le Yao frowned. “Isn’t it too horrible?”

Xu Yao said nothing.

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