Chapter 020

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Chapter 020 - Lieutenant General Tang Ye

As soon as Le Yao entered the ward, he saw that the man lying in the sterile cabin was not only full of grievances, but also full of yin energy. His eyebrows and heart were marked with evil spirits. If he only treated according to the common medical method, he would not live after four days at most.

Le Yao had to help this person, whether in the face of Xu Yao or from a humanistic perspective.

But the problem was how the fastest way to help this man!

If it was an ordinary ghost, it would be easy to expel. Just gave it some incense or sweetness, it would leave on its own initiative. But evil spirits were different. They were either doing bad things in the world, or they suffered great injustice before they die. The reason why evil spirits were called evil spirits was that they have evil in their hearts and was full of malice to the world. It was difficult for such a ghost to expel.

It hasn’t reached the thirtieth day of the lunar calendar, and his brush hasn’t been blessed. His brush couldn’t even deal with this kind of evil ghost, let alone the one that have so many grievances.

The source of this person’s grievance belonged to the dead and Le Yao had no idea what kind of ghost it was. The grievances were so thick and estimated that it would take half a month to recite the sutra to make it disappear. But this man didn’t even have half a month to live!

“Is the medicine they gave him working?” Le Yao hesitated to ask.

“Why did you ask?” Xu Yao turned his head and looked at Le Yao with a trace of inquiry.

“Four days ago, Uncle Ming told me that someone was injured in a mission and you came to see him in person. I guess that’s probably this person.” Le Yao said, “But it’s been four days already and his wound is still infected. Isn’t that a bit unreasonable?”

As the elite division of the Tarot Empire, the Flying Wolf Division had very good equipment yet the medical technology here still couldn’t be able to heal the inflamed wound. It could be said that there was some uncertain ‘thing’ that damaged or blocked the drug on the sterile cabin, so the drug didn’t work on this person at all.

Xu Yao looked at the little wife who was well analyzed and didn’t say a word. He really didn’t know that his wife had strong observation ability before.

Le Yao honestly had something to ask from Xu Yao. At this time, he was pondering and occasionally glanced at Xu Yao. He then turned his head and said, “What’s the name of this man?”

Xu Yao said, “Tang Ye. He is the Lieutenant General of Flying Wolf Division and also my best brother.”

As soon as Le Yao heard that he was his best brother, he asked tentatively, “If, if I can make him better soon, can you promise me something?”

Xu Yao raised his eyebrows, “Do you think you can make him better?”

“Yes,” said Le Yao. “I won’t ask much. After I help him, you just need to buy me some hand-made materials in the online shopping mall in Xingdu. You pay for the materials plus the freight. How is it?”

Xu Yao looked at his wife’s serious-looking face but still didn’t believe his words, “Oh, well, first of all, how can you help him?”

After thinking about it, Le Yao chose the most easy and effective way to explain the matter. He said to Xu Yao, “I don’t know whether he went to the graveyard or to the mass grave. Now the Lieutenant General Tang has a lot of grievances and yin energy in his body. If we want him to get better as soon as possible, we must get rid of the grievances and yin energy first. I can deal with this yin energy by myself, but you have to help me with this grievance, because he doesn’t have much time to live.”

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