Chapter 085

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Chapter 085 - The Babies' Checkup

At 3:30 p.m., just after Xu Yao finished arranging things with the inspection team, he picked Le Yao up from their home and went to the hospital. Le Yao laid on the examination bed with one hand unconsciously caressing his stomach back and forth, whilst the other hand kept pulling at the quilt.

When Xu Yao saw this, he immediately held his hand. “What’s wrong? Are you nervous?”

“A little,” said Le Yao.

They hadn’t been able to see anything special about the children during the last checkup, but the babies should have grown quite big by now. Moreover, he was also worried about the nutritional supplements he had been taking for a while for his gland damage, which he had stopped only after he had conceived. He didn’t know if it would affect the children’s growth in a negative way.

President Liu entered the room with two doctors in tow. He said, “Don’t be nervous, both your and the General’s physical fitness levels are good, so the children should be very healthy.”

Xu Yao then bent down and whispered into Le Yao’s ear, “Can I also say that I’m nervous?”

Le Yao turned his head and exclaimed, “Ah?!”

“Really. Nervous but also a little excited. It’s the first time we will be meeting the children. If only we could see their faces.”

It seemed that Xu Yao was right. He didn’t know about the extent to which a four-month-old fetus should have developed to, but to be able to see their faces, wouldn’t it be novel? Would he really be able to see how they looked?

Xu Yao slowly rubbed Le Yao’s palm, and Le Yao unconsciously relaxed despite his doubts. The problems caused by the nutritional supplements and gland damage, which had plagued him, were temporarily forgotten. Seeing that his attention had been successfully diverted, Xu Yao kissed him on the back of his hand. A smart scanner about the size of an adult’s forearm floated halfway above Le Yao’s stomach. A pale golden light shone down from it.

Not long after, images of their children were transmitted onto the monitor.

The couple suddenly became ecstatic.

Le Yao remembered that in his previous life, he had once accidentally seen some three dimensional pictures of fetuses on the Internet, clicking on them out of curiosity. Even at that time, he had thought that such high-tech technology was quite powerful. But now, he discovered that the technology here was even more exaggerated. The picture displayed on the monitor was very clear, and it was almost like seeing the child through a very thin transparent film.

One by one, they could be seen wrapped in pouches. They were small, but their limbs had already grown, including distinct fingers and toes. And, from time to time, they also made subtle movements; the heartbeats resounding around the room were also more powerful than during the last checkup.

“Ah, they’re moving!” Le Yao’s smile was dazzlingly bright. “Oh my God, they’re so cute.”

“Can this be recorded, President Liu?” asked Xu Yao.

“Of course. This entire chunk can be recorded. I’ll send it to you later. It seems that they are in a good condition now. It’s good that Mr Xiao Le didn’t eat less during this period of pregnancy.”

“I haven’t had just a single bowl of rice during mealtimes for a long time now.” Le Yao smiled. “By the way, President Liu, I’ve heard that most multiple births are at risk of premature delivery. If it’s true, will there be any problems?”

“It depends on how old the fetus is. Generally speaking, as long as the fetus is more than six months old, it’s not a big problem, and oftentimes the reason for it happening is due to a problem with the fetus itself. But today’s test results show that these three little guys are well developed. As long as you continue to eat well, rest well, and moderate your activities, everything will be fine. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Although it’s rare for an Omega to have triplets, you need to believe in our medical technology and in the General’s genes. They will be alright.”

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