Chapter 060

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Chapter 060 - Counter-attacking the Forum

Xu Yao was just teasing Le Yao when he said that he couldn’t display his pictures. He just wanted to see his little wife become cute when pouting in anger. As for his ‘handsome’ pictures, of course they could be shown. If he didn’t want to allow a certain picture to be shown, he would ask Le Yao to kiss him once, and if that was still not enough, he would ask twice. Would Le Yao kiss him an N number of times so the picture could be shown?

What an unruly man!

On the other hand, Le Yao was ferociously scolding his husband in his heart for scheming in such a way, and put away the Tianyan talisman that he had just drawn.

He hadn’t used the Tianyan talisman much recently, because it was too precious and difficult to draw, so he had been trying to save it for emergencies. He would also occasionally give it to Han Mo, so that he could have a face-to-face chat with Shen Weilin. Anyways, now the undead could easily exchange information with the living soldiers using incense ashes.

After putting away the talisman, Le Yao looked at the things he had printed the previous night. A three-story cake shaped restaurant, a 28-story towering hotel, and an antique three-story wooden inn. The name of the restaurant was ‘Le Xi Lai’, the hotel was also called ‘Le Xi Lai’, and the name of the inn was also ‘Le Xi Lai’. Le Yao was going to make these three words representative of his own brand. In the future, everyone would recognize and associate these businesses with his identity, so his life would be much easier in the Underworld!

“A brand name using your last name? Will this be alright, Mr Xiao Le?” asked Yan Jie. After all, it was going to be used in the Underworld.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, there’s no disapproval.” Le Yao packed up the learning materials he needed for the xuanshu class. Today, Xu Yao had something to do, so he had sent Yan Jie instead to pick him up. In fact, Le Yao didn’t think a guard was necessary, but now, everyone in the division regarded him as a super rare animal that needed to be strictly protected.

“What are we going to talk about today?” asked Yan Jie.

“Scripture.” Le Yao continued, “I’ll tell you what it is first, and then you will read it every morning and night as I say. It’s good for you to read this, as it will help you attain the selfless state faster.”

Ever since their first trial of integrating with nature, the five students would take some time to ‘meditate’ every day. Although they hadn’t been able to fully realize the selfless state as Le Yao had said, their ability to settle down had increased ever since the first time. Now, President Liu could almost reach the level that Xu Yao had reached on the first day, and Xu Yao’s progress was even more amazing. Sometimes, Le Yao would feel that Xu Yao had already done such things before.

He couldn’t say why he felt that way though. He only observed that Xu Yao was very quick at learning these things. It seemed as if he was unintentionally teaching the best student. Xu Yao usually needed to only listen to the lessons once, and then pondered over those things by himself, before quickly achieving a result.

Le Yao even suspected that Xu Yao had been a master of the metaphysical in his last life. Otherwise, how could Xu Yao’s learning speed be faster than his own? When he had been studying this subject that year, his Master had said that he was a rare genius who came about once in a hundred years. However, Xu Yao was even more brilliant!

On the way to the Command Center, Le Yao asked Yan Jie, “By the way, my husband told me that he had asked you to develop a website about Huaxia. I wanted to ask you, is there going to be a personal section on the website?”

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