Chapter 087

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Chapter 087 - Here Comes The Orcs

Le Tianyu’s heart suddenly tightened and a strange sense of fear crept into it. He opened his eyes by a fraction to allow himself to adapt to the light. When he finally saw the figure opposite him clearly, he got so scared that he ended up desperately scrambling backwards, not stopping until his cold sweat-drenched back brushed against a wall.

“You, you, you, who are you?” The large figure arrived at Le Tianyu’s side in only two steps . Against this tall creature, who was beyond his cognizance, he trembled fiercely and almost fainted.

This wasn’t his first time seeing an Orc, but it was definitely his first time seeing one face to face!

The creature in front of him had a three-meter-tall humanoid figure, but its exposed skin was covered in long hair—which was everywhere except on its face. A single finger of this creature was as thick as his arm and when it grinned, it showed a row of sharp teeth, very different from that of a human.

“Who am I?” The orc stooped down with a mocking smile. A brown hairy hand grasped Le Tianyu’s jaw and lifted it so that he could look at him eye-to-eye. “Who am I? Can’t you see that yourself?”

“You, you can speak the Tarot language?” He’s an Orc but can actually speak Tarot’s language!

Le Tianyu was shocked but still moved his head to the side, trying to avoid the hand that almost made him want to vomit. “Who the hell are you? What do you want? Where’s Wan Deqing?”

“Wan Deqing? Ah, you mean that man? He’s in Tarot.” The orc continued, “If you want to keep your life and see him, you’d better be obedient. Don’t think that just because Le Feishan is your father, I’ll be afraid of you!”

“I don’t know what you are saying!” Le Tianyu looked away. Perhaps, because reality had hit him hard in Blood Prison, he still remembered this particular matter very well. He wasn’t Le Tianyu now, and he wouldn’t be Le Tianyu in the future either. His name was now Luo Hao. He had no mother and no father. He had only relied on himself to grow step by step. Then, he met Wan Deqing by chance, fell in love with him, and followed him to Blood Prison.

He was Wan Deqing’s wife, at least for now.

The orc didn’t express any opinion on Le Tianyu’s pretense. He backtracked towards the wall facing Le Tianyu. There was a huge stubby pile of rocks on that side of the wall, and he used it as a stool. He sat on it with a mocking “Hmm”.

Le Tianyu felt goosebumps rise all over his body. He eyed the huge figure opposite him with fear. Suddenly, he thought about asking for help using his communication device. However, before he could act on this thought, he found that his wrist was empty, bereft of his communication device.

“Where’s my communicator?” Le Tianyu demanded as he felt his panic rise. His last modicum of comfort had evaporated. “Where the hell is my communicator?!”

“I threw it away. What would you have even done with it? Do you really think that your selfish father will rescue you? Or that Zhao You will be able to protect you? Don’t be silly. They all want you dead. You have to die so that the Le Family remains completely safe, understand?”

“You!” Le Tianyu felt so stifled, as if he was only one breath away from choking to death. His communicator had a password, but somehow, the orc knew so much about him. It made him unable to determine whether the other party had managed to successfully access his communication device or not. “What is it that you want to do?”

“What do I want to do? It’s simple. I want you to save my brothers.”

“Your brothers?” Le Tianyu didn’t understand.

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