Chapter 029

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Chapter 029 - Late Night Ghost

The brushes absorbed the spiritual energy all night and Rong Gui kept watch of it personally. So, Le Yao successfully blessed his three brushes. When he used these brushes again, the power of the talisman would obviously enhanced. Of course, other people couldn’t feel it and Le Yao was the only one who knew it. Then, he used one of the brushes to draw the tianyan talisman for Xu Yao.

The tianyan talisman has a time limit to see the yin and yang energy boundaries in the air. It would let people who used it to have the sight to see the supernatural beings at night, and then it would return to its original appearance after dawn.

Xu Yao had always been curious about what kind of the dead he would see. Now that he had a chance, he was willing to try.

So one night, Le Yao took a tianyan talisman in his hand and sat next to Xu Yao. “You may feel a little dizzy at first, but it will get better after some time.” he said.

Xu Yao said, “Okay, let’s do it.”

Le Yao pasted the talisman on Xu Yao’s forehead.

Xu Yao first felt that his eyebrows were slightly quivering, and then, as Le Yao said before, he felt a little dizzy. But soon, he found that his senses seemed to be more sensitive than usual. Then, as soon as he opened his eyes, although the room was still the same, there seemed to be something different. The air seemed to be less transparent than he had seen before and there was a layer of gray blue light floating on it!

“I’ll call them.” At this time, Le Yao said, “We’ll know if you can see them later.”

“Good.” Xu Yao sat on the sofa, his expression did not show any tension, and he lit a cigarette in his hand.

“Here, the land, the most spiritual of the gods, through the heavens and the earth, out of the secluded into the underworld, with the spirit and prayer of my heart, please hear me out. Ji Fengyu, Song He, Wang Feixia, if you hear this sacrifice, come and get together quickly!”

“Hoo ~”

There was another dark wind on the ground. Within three seconds, there were three transparent gray blue figures in the place of Le Yao’s drawing. The three figures were all dressed in rags. They each held a mini playing card in their left hand and stared at the card intently. They sat on the ground as if they were tramps gathering at the bottom of the bridge to fight for a shelter.

“What?” Ji Fengyu didn’t look back at Le Yao. He carefully arranged the cards and put an A spade on the ground.

Recently the ghost brothers have been used to playing poker like this and they didn’t afraid of the cards being blown away by the wind!

“My husband wants to see you. This is Ji Fengyu, Brother Song He the eldest, and then Brother Wang Feixia.” said Le Yao, pointing to the three people on the ground who still playing poker.

“Emm……” At the same time, the three ghosts turned around and looked at Xu Yao awkwardly. Ji Fengyu, who had his back to Xu Yao, even twisted his neck 180 degrees.

“Nice to meet you.” Xu Yao said with a calm face, “I often hear Le Yao talk about you.”

“Nice to meet you too.” Ji Fengyu said with a long sigh, and then his body turned around. “I said, Le Yao, you really don’t take me as your brother is it? Can’t you invite us out when we have better appearance?” About a haircut or something!

“I’m so embarrassed.” Song He said, “Our brothers have been wandering around for hundreds of years, and no one came to visit after the great disaster of Huaxia star, so we have been living a miserable life.”

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