Fancy Lady - Chapter 1

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It was near the end of my last fall semester one like no other because I'd been accepted by some prestigious scholarship. All i had to do was become a student assistant continuing for both semesters until i graduate for my masters.

I'm actually here for my masters after having taken summer classes and the classes I usually take during the semesters. All my hard work and money saved from working gave me this opportunity.

And hell, I'm not one to pass up money, especially with the amount they are giving me. I wasn't sure who it was going to be but I was happy to have more to do throughout the week. Since I started taking a few classes early last year, I was ahead of my masters and now only had three courses for each semester.

Shuffling through my dorm room closet for something decent, I accepted the floral shirt with a v line and some simple black pants. I find it scary how some of the women wear heels walking around this big campus. Tried it once and felt like my ankles were being put through the ultimate test.

I tried my best to look presentable after with light jewelry and makeup. Looking at the time, I decided it would be best to head out now. I know I'm going to be early but they didn't exactly give me a time to come.

I settled on the nicest pair of boots I own , leaving my safe haven for the business building. It was a bit far so I took the bus getting me there in less than ten minutes than usual. I was greeted with a cool breeze which always meant something good was to come as my aunt has quoted.

I immediately recognized my advisor and was thankful I'd have someone to bother. She was distracted on her phone sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby, "Mrs. Shannon good morning, are you having a good morning?"

She looks up only seeming shocked after knowing it was me, "What have you done with Cleo and could you bring her back?"

"I'm just trying to be professional as you've told me to be so many times."

"You did not just come here so early into my morning to annoy me."

"Well no the teacher I'm going to be working under said to meet here. I thought it was someone in the English department though."

She loops my arm into hers as we walk towards her office watching her start to smile as if a light bulb just went off, "Oh i know who it is then. She runs the english department but she also works with us."

"Who is it?"

"Buy my breakfast and I'll sing like a bird."

"I'm a starving college kid, what makes you think I can afford that especially since it's only monday. I have to scavenge for the rest of the week unlike you," I most literally mean this since I took the meal plan off my bill. That alone saves me a little less than two thousand a semester.

"Fine, just stay here and don't touch anything," She gets up leaving and I sigh and go to take a seat in her chair. Along her desk was framed pictures of her kid and husband plus the one we took together at a business fair. I know though that there's plenty of other more knotted pictures back at her house that weren't appropriate for here.

I hear some laughter coming from outside the room thinking she must've got distracted. Suddenly I hear knocking on the door and before I can say anything it swings open. The woman i'm met was just as surprised as me, seeing as I'm the imposter right now.

I was ashamed that my mind wasn't activated in the moment, only letting me look up and down at her. It was brief so i didn't get everything but i covered every inch and saw her figure i could easily see. It wasn't hard seeing as the dark green dress she wore hung to her curves as if it were glue. With her dark red slightly wavy hair affixed down her shoulders and the few pieces of silver jewelry she looked as if she were going to some special occasion.

It felt like time had stopped though or maybe we just spent too much time staring at each other until she mumbled a start for conversation, "Who are you?"

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