Memories - Chapter 25

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I kicked my legs back and forth looking between the window where snow still lightly fell on Faye. I simply watched her in a calm silence loving each and every second of it. I was even giddy about her coming in front of me moving my legs outward for her to open a drawer. Faye chuckled, peering back at me every few minutes as if keeping an eye on me, "Are you just gonna stare?"

"Well I'm loving the view plus it's a bit of a pet peeve to only have one person in the kitchen for me."

"Are you just saying that to get out of cooking?"

"Meh, sorta I guess. I mean I haven't had to cook in a long time unless you count microwaving things. And the last thing you want is a fire in this wooden house."

"Only sticking to cafeteria food?"

"No, I took the meal plan off after freshman year. Now I just included myself on the things Cherry brings back from the restaurant or when she cooks."

"First off, what about days when you don't go to her home. ...And not that I'm particularly noisy but who exactly is this Cherry you speak so fondly of."

"I got by alright and Cherry's been my best friend ever since she compared herself to a potato on the first day of my job. Been the needle at my side that I couldn't and never will get rid of," She hummed moving about her kitchen whilst I continued to share a few tattle tales of Cherry's antics. I really do love her like the sister I never had.

That kept conversation afloat throughout breakfast which then landed us in the living room after eating, "So what else can I find out about the mysterious Cleo King?"

"I'm open about everything really. Um well besides my parents since we don't really speak... until probably now? I don't know... but that's a whole nother subject to deal with after Thanksgiving break."

"Ok then... How about hobbies or other things you love rather than your studies and job."

"I used to ice skate way back when there were so many rings in Helena. Oh! And when I did have a skateboard that occupied my fun time. Other than that I was just a math nerd most of my life and that leads back into studying."

"Do you know what you're gonna do after college?"

"I'm leaving that to be answered at the end of next semester. Now how about the marvelous Faye Hart? What made you want to teach here?"

I'd moved closer seeking a bit of warmth from her ending up right at her side. She didn't seem bothered in the slightest of our proximity especially after almost backing out earlier, "Believe it or not I went to school here. I specifically went into education to become a professor and when I came back for my masters my old professor offered me a position."

"Were you born here?"

"Oh no i was raised in poland and then we started to move around and came to the states. It's actually through my fathers connections that I met some wonderful women. I even just went to one of their weddings a few weeks back. It brought back some memories of being around them, even Charlie who enjoys pissing me off," She smiled nostalgically playing with the hem of my sweater.

"And to think I thought you were going to be this hard ass when you're actually just a softie," She only responded by sighing dramatically then biting her lip and maintaining eye contact. Then a wandering and slightly cold hand then rested on my stomach which also seemed to creep higher, "Don't start something you can't finish Hart."

"Says the newbie?"

"Whoa, I'm not new at nothing. Now if you give me a moment to catch my breath I'll show you exactly how quick I can be."

Repeated knocking interrupted this new seldom moment and we both sat quietly in disbelief that someone was actually out there. I turned to look up out a window and now it's not snowing anymore but the inches we received don't easily disappear that fast. The knocking didn't cease and that prompted Faye to get up this time.

"I'll go see who that is, I guess."

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