Planning - Chapter 14

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Tuesday had been relatively quiet during my work. It was mostly at the cost of one of my professors messing up the grading system in return failing me by accident. My palms had felt clammy when I typed a long email to them then retyped without trying to sound mad.

In the process of doing that though they got in touch with me saying i passed with flying colors and that it'd been on them for the mix up, "Done having a battle with your laptop?," I briefly looked at Hart who still had her eyes on her computer to the window seeing it was dark out now.

"Poor Shelby didn't want to endure my wrath but she knows i wasn't actually fighting with her," Simply sighing i stretch on the couch that i'd become overly comfortable watching Hart come to the realization of what i'd said.

"You named your laptop?," Something stirred seeing the woman turn slowly in her chair to face me with a small smile but with curiosity.

"Well after so many years I thought to do so," It was the first thing I bought after saving up enough money from working at Publix during high school. And with careful treatment she still runs as good as I need her to, "So who's on the next list of students on my part."

She opens a folder where the list of classes she'd put down remains where two were now checked off at the tireless work of almost sixty students, "The literature of women class...," She paused, looking at me as if a lightning thought passed through her. Turns out this is just her way of opening up a bit more, "I had gotten the class approved by the dean after arguing that so many other universities already had the class."

"I wish that class was there when i was a freshman; actually i just wanna see you teach."

"You want... to see me teach?"

"Does that sound weird? I just mean that I've had so many professors teach in different styles and I just wonder what your classes would suggest outside of following the syllabus."

"I'm strict with my syllabus since I'm the one who made them or altered them well."

"So that means you're not following the original right?"

"Fine yes you're right."

"By the way before you start on another paper i have somewhere for Saturday," She nods placing the paper that had been settled in her grasp down, "we could take this ferry-

"No water involvement," Half of me was thinking she'd reject it due to the many people who'd already signed on to go but she surprises me every day.

"You didn't even let me finish and what's wrong with being around water?"

"At the slightest bit of liquid my hair will flair up in curls. I don't have the time to tame it. And I don't let anyone else touch it besides myself," She runs a hand through her red locks, something that caught my attention other than her blue eyes.

I'd always been self conscious about my own hair, having to struggle to even get it in a ponytail when I was younger. Somewhere in between highschool i gave up trying to control it instead just embracing the curls i'd been born with.

"Alright then, are there any other scruntanies i should be aware of?," I got up going to her filing cabinet looking for the 'literature of woman' section to first understand what i'd be grading. It's almost like I'm doing mini crash courses into different courses in taking this opportunity.

But i'd always been fond of knowledge so i haven't had a problem learning more. When I turned back to the woman she had a thoughtful gaze that adorned her right up until I sat down.

"You'll just have to continue this list and I'll tell you so."

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