Thighs - Chapter 31

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(I gave it like the weekend for those who wanted to read the actual story and again sorry for the mix up.)

"Y'know when i said you could take a break i meant for you to stretch your legs not just to stare at me. And keep those hands to yourself," True enough I had been messing with the outline of her navy blue skirt just because it was such a soft fabric. And also because her skin was equally as soft. It was also fun watching her lose control then regain it after continuously sliding my hand over the inside then outside of her upper thigh.

"But I like staring at beautiful things, objects, people who just happen to be in my view. Plus you were the one who wanted me at your desk now rather than on the couch," I leaned back in my chair stretching looking at the completed stack of papers graded from Monday and Tuesday. I honestly thought it would've taken longer but the perks of this... 'arrangement' meant I get to spend more time here doing them.

"We'll migrate over there once I'm done with this email."

"What are we even gonna do after that though. I'm done grading and someone hasn't given me more work. And also what ever shall i do until then Faye?,"

"Don't... say my name like that," I rested my head on my right arm and she was still looking down at me cautiously, "Do you know a boy named Steven?"

"Strange thing to start with but exactly who is Steven?"

"I thought so... He came by earlier asking about you. I did tell him I'm not at liberty to share any of your information though. I can remember that I had him in a few of my seminars but we really rarely spoke. I kinda found him strange."

"What did he look like?"

"Brown hair and... well to be honest I wasn't looking at him the whole time. I think he's tall but I was busy at the moment."

"You've had this dude in your class and you don't know?"

"I've had hundreds of students every semester. He never tried to stand out so I never paid him any mind other than to do his work."

"Hmm, Cherry said she saw a brunette dude with green eyes at work yesterday. She said he was just staring at me while I worked but I hadn't noticed it."

"...Is this something I should be worried about?"

"I'm not sure yet. But if there's another occurrence with him I'll take care of it myself."

"Cleo don't do anything that would make me concerned about you. If this turns out to be a stalker of some sort, immediately go to the police or even call me so you're not just here on campus."

"Why Ms. Hart, you're far too kind," She frowned and realized I should act serious for once. Not like I don't in general but deflecting has just been wired not screwed into my brain. It's just too easy to do.

"Cleo this could be something serious..."

"Yes I get that and I understand. I promise to do just as you said if it's a weird situation."

"Good," She crossed her leg in resuming whatever she's doing and this time I touched the crossed leg to her heel. She sighed, sitting back in her chair after one frivolous tap to her keyboard, "To the couch."

"Oh the journey will be such a long one Hart. What about the snakes and crocodiles along the way?"

"Oh you'll be fine just watch out for the quicksand," She slapped my hand away and I groaned leaving my chair for the more comfier option available. I took all the room on it lying horizontally wondering what she'd do. She surprised me by lifting me a bit by my shoulders and letting my head purposely lie in her lap.

"Are we about to have a one on one meeting?"

"Are you going to continue telling me about what happened with your mom?"

"Can't answer a question with a question, Hart. But I told you that she just wants to make 'amends'."

"Did you feel better hearing what you wanted?"

"Sort of, I guess but that doesn't make up for the years she'd missed. And even more so for my dad since I haven't been able to get ahold of him," I hummed when she started to take her hands through my hair, ignoring the few times it tangled. It felt too good to pass up, "Anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?"

"Do you want to come home with me?"

"That's not really a yes or no answer but I definitely want to."

"Yes and thank you for the compliment," Her other hand started to trace the outlines of my face. From the sides of my cheeks, chin then up my lips and nose repeatedly. I could definitely fall asleep with this.

"Anyone ever told you your thighs are like pillows?"

"No actually that's a first but is that even a compliment?"

"It can be if you want. Are we gonna get going soon?"

"What are you in a rush for?," It's almost as if she led herself into this one.

"To hear you moan my name of course. Now if you're done get your coat and let's hurry it's night time already too," Life seems too good to be true right now.

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