Home Sweet Home - Chapter 39

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"You have a lovely home Faye. I'm glad you had a backup in some way for when you need it."

"Thank you and that sure is a convenience. While I'd love to chat, I need to make a quick call to my insurance company. And since I also don't have my phone I have to go dig up my work one. Also Cleo the police told me they plan on coming to talk to us tomorrow about the event. They'd been making statements since the fire but with the amount of people it took a while. I'll let you use my work phone when I'm done to call for your replacement too."

That reminded me I never told her what happened on the stairwell, "Thank you and I'll be ready for it," I was soon lost in thought as she left thinking of the ways I could explain the situation.

I wish I would've heard what he'd said so I'd have a clue as to why he'd done that. Though it was stupid of him to pull his mask down i knew it was only a matter of time that the culprit was found.

"Penny for your thoughts dear?"

"...yes it's quite bigger than a penny though. So dad gave up his parental rights? When did that even happen?"

"Are you sure you want to know? I don't even lightly think of the event myself but I know it will affect you even more so."

"I'm all grown up, I can take it. It's not like he'd committed the dirtiest crime."

"Well to a family it sort of is. To start on the day you were born you shocked both of us. When I had my ultrasound the doctor was sure you were a boy. And when you came out all beautiful must i say which was all me, you were... well you my love. Harry was in a fit about it because he wanted someone to take over his company,"

She paused, shaking her head but still continued, "I swear the most horrible opinions that he believed about came out during the pregnancy. But anyway a few months after we had another horrible fight and he wanted to walk out. I had a case at the time where one of the parents was giving up their parental rights as well so I rummaged for the spare document I had and made him sign it before he left."

"Then why was he still around?"

"Even with my strong side back then I was still foolishly in love with him. I kept forgiving him for every single thing. I was still in my naive era and it took an embarrassingly long time to realize how toxic he made my life."

"I'm sorry I never knew."

"Don't ever apologize about that. I'm sorry that I wasn't wise enough to get rid of him then. He took away my pride and joy which was you Cleo. I loved and still love you with all my being and missed out on 14 years of your life that I can never get back. I regret just taking his word on it."

"Well it's not your fault either. I'm not saying I forgive you but your here now and that's more than what I wish for."

"Thank you honey. Now do you know if she has anything here or do you want me to order take out."

"Ah we- she hasn't gone shopping so i doubt it. I cooked a lot in the days prior."

"Look at you being all shy about being domestic. All I know is that I need to see a ring on that finger if you're going to do that."

Cherry would just adore her. But there's no rush in having them meet yet if i know what's good for me, "You order, I'm going to fix me a glass of water. Are you thirsty for the same or want something else."

"Faye drinks right?"

The woman as if summoned appeared just as I got up meeting her by the kitchen entrance, "In my right mind of course but carefully. You fancy red?"

"When have I not?"

I nudged Faye, liking that there wasn't much awkwardness between the two. "Can I get some then too?"

She shook her head and took my hand to give me what must've been her work phone, "You're on medication right now."

"Faye, it was a while ago though."

"I saw you wince going up the stairs. You also need to take some more too before you go to bed."

I groaned but my mother thought it was funny as we both heard her laugh, "Oh your getting on my good side dear. I'll order while you two sort this out."

She leapt off the couch presumably going to get her phone from upstairs and I sneakily let my hand travel under her shirt and up the back of her spine. She was still watching the stairs and only looking down to me after I kissed her neck, "Don't even try persuading me with that. I am not getting caught by your mom to be thrown on her bad side. I've already seen the wrath she could commit."

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