The Big Day - Chapter 67

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My mom stepped back with her hands clasping over her nose and mouth, "You look gorgeous. Doesn't she?"

Aunt was right at my mom's side with one hand on her hip and an incredible smile, "Yes she absolutely does," I turned around feeling a bit nervous looking at myself. 

My mom turned to my aunt and sniffed

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My mom turned to my aunt and sniffed. My aunt only turned her head up and patted her back, "Don't cry, you're gonna make me cry."

"Uh your gonna cause a chain reaction and with all this mascara to clean up in so little time it will be bad."

My aunt shook her head and smiled back over to me before frowning at my mom, "Do you think it's time to sign it?"

"Your the one I told them to contact when it is time."

She walked over to the table where her phone was and looked through it, "Ok yea we have to go sign."

"I love you, we'll see you at the entrance."

"She's here right?"

"What? Yes, don't worry. Cherry will be in in a moment," They both kissed my cheek again before leaving and then after a while Cherry came in. It seemed like I was waiting over an hour when in reality it's only been almost twenty minutes.

"Your dad just tried to show up with this woman in all white. Needless to say i did my rightful bridesmaid duties and poured this black oily substance i found in some closet on them. And don't worry, I lured them out. I wouldn't do that inside," My heart felt so flippant and my mouth was agape.

"I don't even know what to say. Actually yes I do, did you see Faye? And also thank you for taking care of that."

"No problem and of course I did. She was the first one there. For now are we ready?"

"I sure am."

Cherry hugged me tightly and looked like she was close to tears, "I'm so happy for you."

"Now all I have to do is wait for you two to get married."

"Sara has mentioned settling down but onto important matters. Take a deep breath, grab my hand and wait for the music my friend."

We both jumped excitedly when the infamous wedding music started to play. I triple checked myself, noting any mistakes to fix like I haven't been doing that in the last hour, "Ok lets go your moms should be waiting for you at the entrance."

We left the building off to the side from the actual chapel and walked the path to where I saw my aunt and mom standing waiting for me with wide smiles. My heart was racing and my legs were starting to shake with my bouquet in hand. Cherry was pushing me all the way with this nervous system and then placed me in between them. I had my head down and clenched my eyes hard before opening to look down the aisle.

The first thing I saw was the many stares from cousins Faye didn't even know she had and then my side of the family with a few of my mothers friends and my aunt's coworkers who watched me grow up. And then Faye. She looked so gorgeous.

It felt like the longest walk of my life strolling down the aisle to her

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It felt like the longest walk of my life strolling down the aisle to her. She couldn't exactly see me with the veil covering my face at the request of her dad, not that I bothered to do it. But I could see her. Faye looked extremely gleeful with one tear coming down her right side.

"Don't cry."

"I was trying not to."

She lifted the veil and I grasped onto her hand afterwards just wanting to touch her. She squeezed my hand and the music stopped but still kept going on in my head if that makes any sense. Malcolm started the ceremony and I was too excited waiting for the ringing part. I listened to him then Fayes spoke her vows and then I recited my own. She had almost leaned in and kissed me when i neared the end of my speech which ignited some laughter but she wasn't fazed at all. We'd performed the traditions expected and were at the finale.

Diana's kid Thomas came out from the side coming up to me to give Faye's ring. I ruffled his hair and took it and watched as he turned to give Faye's mine. He blushed and ran back over to his moms, which was such a cute sight.

"You may now recite your vows for the ring exchange."

Faye went first, taking my hand and slowly pushing the golden band onto my ring finger, "This ring is a token of my love for you. I am yours, today and forever."

I was next doing the same except I played with the ring on her finger loving the look of it, "I give you this ring as a reminder of today and all our hopes and dreams for the future."

"And with these affiliated rings, the witnesses here and by the agreement made between you two I pronounce you wife and wife. You may both now kiss the bride."

"Finally," I laughed as she grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into her. Our lips smashed into one another but we had to reluctantly step away from each other as the ceremony wasn't finished yet.

We turned hand in hand and a glass with a fabric covering was placed in front of us. Faye went forward and with her heel crushed it in one go and her side went wild. She turned back to me and kissed me harder this time as people got up and started clapping.

"Now next is the partying. You'll be wishing my cousins weren't so smitten with you in the end."

"I think I can handle Mrs. King."

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