Late - Chapter 13

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I kicked my feet back and forth just waiting. Usually she'd come strolling from the parking lot by now but i've yet to see Ms. Hart. I'd already gone inside to see if she was in her classroom or office but they were empty. And I felt wrong just being in those spaces without her so I just went back outside to enjoy the wind.

It was a bit warmer today so i know for a fact i shouldn't hear the regular 'It's so cold out', but i kinda always look forward to hearing her say the regular. I've come to realize that while I can get accustomed to change, I don't like having to go through it. But it's a part of like as people will say.

"Cleo what are you doing out here," I turn my gaze in front of the clouds in the sky to Ms. Hart, clutching onto her jacket as if it were antarctica weather, "It's too cold out here to just be sitting there," Wow, I knew she would say it too.

"You're the one that's late and I was waiting for you."

"You could've waited inside."

"I wanted to enjoy the breeze," A draft of wind hurls our direction and I turn to it not feeling up to assorting my hair out if I hadn't. If i hadn't been so zen in that moment i would've missed the rushed footsteps of Ms. Hart escaping into the building. I could only chuckle at her expression when i soon came in as if it's my fault she's cold, "You know with all these what must be designer brands you wear i'd think you should instead invest in things that'll keep you warm."

"Well someone must be in a good mood."

"Whatever do you mean."

"Usually your a bit quieter when we start," That's only because i have to warm up to people first. I can always tell whether the person I'm spending time with will be a good fit for my life and thankfully you're in my little bubble of nice people. At least I hope you'll stay there since you haven't shown your strict side yet.

"Oh i'm just excited for thanksgiving," That's also true though. Cherry's mom had called before I came here raving on how excited she'd be to see me again. The only people who look forward to seeing or hearing from me are Cherry and my aunt, so that just brightened my day.

"With your parents or..."

"No with my best friend's family."

"Oh that nice of her."

"Are you doing anything for the holiday?"

"Other than grading papers not really. I might send a few cards to old friends and check up on a newly married couple but that's all."

"Do you... want to do something Saturday?"


"Maybe to celebrate getting done with the 1101 kids. Plus Cherry's not picking me up until next monday. And I heard the ice rink is gonna be open by then."

"There's an ice rink here?"

"Ok, just how long have you lived here?"

"I like the normalities of my home, grocery store and the occasional junk food. Other than that i don't have a need to see sights. I really came here because it's quiet and calm. And the fact that people don't bother me much."

"Not to sound weird but where do you live?"

"I have two places. An apartment that's fairly close to here and the cabin my father left me. I tried out staying in the cabin for a few days but it only reminded me of why I chose to get an apartment. That's also why I was late since it is a bit far out."

"Why does it remind you of that?"

"The cabin has more space then what i need. Though I love the nature that surrounds it. Nothing like being awakened by birds chirping in my opinion."

I could visually imagine that and even surprised myself envisioning Hart there too, "That sounds beautiful..."

"It really is...," She clicks her pen a few times looking away then back again, "If we do go somewhere Saturday it's not going to be somewhere I will most definitely make a fool out of myself."

I beam at the opportunity of an adventure no matter how small or big, "I'll have more options for you to choose from then."

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