Next Chapter - Chapter 24

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When I walked into the master bedroom again she now sat with her knees pulled against her in front of the bed. Hart looked just as scared as I felt unsure how I should gain her attention. I still don't know much about her and I guess because of recent events this could be seen as wrong through her semi stric eyes.

A shiver ran up my spine, realizing it's much colder than when I first woke up. But I felt the little warmth I had drained as she whipped her head in my direction. It felt like the day my mother sent me off to my aunt. Just ever so lightly that memory came to mind but vanished as a small smile crept on her lips, "Come here."

I left the doorway quickly going under the covers wrapping myself in them before placing myself next to her. She sighed tapping my nose and after grabbing ahold of my hand, "You know this is your fault right," It was quite cute with the pout that met me but that comment more than frazzled me, "If you hadn't caught me and just let me fall i wouldn't have had any more intrusive thoughts. Though I definitely knew you were something special after taking me to your moonlight hideout."

Relief washed over me glad for that to have led into a joke, "And let you not know about the wonders around campus? You looked like a kid on the first day of school when I took you there, " I laid back still looking at the woman who had no intention of taking her eyes off me, "And you're the clumsy one for not seeing the sidewalk and the other time where I caught you."

I pulled the covers off my left side, opening my arm and waiting for her to lie next to me. She cackled in doing so, putting her head in the crook of my neck as I pulled the covers as best I could around us, "Can you Indulge me on something Cleo?"

I hummed yes, feeling her shift on my arm, "If you weren't a student... or maybe what if I was just some stranger you met at the restaurant you work at. What will happen next after this."

"Being a rhetorical question I'd rather ask you on a date than sleep with you first. I would've done the same thing before yesterday had I acted on my feelings first. Although I am kinda new to this so i wouldn't know any other options."

She went quiet and I knew exactly what was racing through her mind, "I'm pretty sure you know... this cannot happen again."

I was quick in changing my demeanor, moving to top her. In the few weeks I'd worked with her I knew the face of 'this is my final decision' and what I was seeing now wasn't that, "You don't look so sure about that."

She scoffed while sitting up while putting on a fake brave voice, "Oh please Cleo trust me you don't want to be in a relationship anyway. You're about to start your life and doing this has its consequences."

Oh she looked like she wanted a challenge in saying that almost as if testing my will. I smiled, crossing my arms and fully putting my weight on her thighs to keep her trapped, "You cannot decide that for me. I may not have a clue what i'm doing, but i'm also not a child," I kissed her cheek leaving the comfort of the bed while watching her expressions closely, "And until that snow melts down your not permitted to speak your negative thoughts. You can tell me the consequences but I'm certain that won't stop me from pursuing you. And we do have all next semester too."

"I could have you transferred to another professor."

"After fighting so hard for me? Don't you think that would look strange?," I started walking to the door with the mind to change into my back up clothes thinking of the responsible thing to say next, "Look If you truly don't want me to please tell me so. I will always respect you in that sense because this isn't a one way road."

"For a person who's never been in a relationship, you sure don't talk like you haven't. And it also makes you too sweet to resist," That made me smile and she did too, starting to leave the bed too.

"Helps to have a best friend who has... And with that Hart what food do we have available here because I am starving."

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