A Drink - Chapter 45

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Faye pov

I shouldn't be worried, should i? I have full faith that Cleo won't do anything. That's just what I've come to learn about her. But Edith? There's really no telling what she'll do. I mean there's an obvious reason I've been told not to bring any partner around her. And I thought she was freakin straight!

I groaned yet again, checking my phone once again in the hopes she might update me on whatever she's accomplishing over there. I know she said she'd be here in a few hours but it feels like forever. I looked back to my computer screen which had a list of my to-do's and unlike my usual schedule I hadn't even gotten through half of them. I shut my phone off and threw it in one of my drawers hoping that'd keep me away.

And by some ultimate bad luck I got the appearance of my ex. I mean what in the hell kind of week is this?, "Where's your cute little follower?"

I looked up and as if I rubbed some sort of imaginary lamp, here she is. She wore such a superior facade as if I weren't her boss. I cannot believe Hampfry went over to me to hire her. He's a freakin temporary Dean and doesn't do jack shit while I take over the tasks of the actual dean on top of my regular classes.

I cooled myself down preparing for what utter chaos always followed and finally uttered a reply, "Her name is Cleo."

"She's easy on the eyes."

I rolled my eyes and like the intolerable child she is she knew what would and wouldn't bother me, "Of Course you would say that. Ms. Welch, unless you need me to review something about your classes, as my time is valuable, I ask that you leave please."

"We're fully past professionality Faye. I mean I still remember what you look like naked."

"And I know I can go to HR about that comment, Ms. Welch. Leave immediately."

I was close to my tipping point and even fiddled with my phone as I knew Cleo's voice would calm me down. Unexpectedly Aella's elevated ego tumbled down a few as she looked like a beaten puppy now standing in front of my desk, "Oh come on Faye it's been years. How about we have a drink and talk about it. We're going to have to stand each other since I'm working here now."

"I'd rather not with someone who literally just said they remember me naked."

"Whatever you say red. But by the end of our talk your going to wish you'd drank."

~Time Skip~

"So... you were seduced into thinking it would be right for us to break up by me walking in on you? Yea, I don't believe that happened."

"But it's the truth in full. Plus don't believe it was only me who wanted the relationship to end. I noticed you pulling away and I like to go out with a blast."

"Aella seriously?"

"Ok i did take it too far doing it in your apartment but again it wasn't all my fault."

"Oh, like I just invited the woman into my home."

"No i can't help my sex drive from taking over and she said we only needed to be caught doing something minor like kissing. But she's also the one who showed up in only a trenchcoat."

The vision came all too suddenly as I still unfortunately remember the events. Whoever 'she' sounded horrible, almost like a whale but she was having fun, "Your oversharing. Please keep that to yourself."

"It's nothing we haven't done. Remember when you showed up to my job with a similar coat and lingerie on."

"You dared me to. And it was your birthday present since I forgot it was your birthday that day."

"Well you could've also said no. The sex was hot wasn't it though."

"Not really. I never liked sneaking around to do the deed. That was all you."

"...So am I forgiven?"I swear it's like she wants me to blow up on her. And with her poker face I could never tell what's going on in whole life, "No, I don't forgive you for sleeping with another one just to get rid of me. However, I will tolerate you only because I don't care enough to stay mad. Now give me a swig of that. I know it's not water.""You sure? You've never really been good with vodka.""That's what that is? I swear you must be some sort of day alcoholic," She shrugged and took another quick swig of the clear mug she'd walked in with. I looked down at my watch and with one final glance through my emails I fully signed off ready to stop worrying and enjoy my afternoon, "I'm now officially off the clock so hand me the damn thing over."

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