Disappointed Flowers - Chapter 57

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I dropped my heels to cover my head, feeling a headache about to come. She promised she would come yet now I'm hearing another apology as to why she couldn't come, "I know it's her last day. I'm sorry. I've been trying to get away but they started admission even though the school isn't technically done with construction which could end them up with a law case-"


"I'm just terribly busy Cleo."

"Aren't we all? You are not the only one dealing with their whole expansion project. Our department is a mess with all of the president's expensive ideas for that place. I've had to write him countless emails about why it would be impossible, dismissing those idiotic proposals, and all while doing my regular duties."

"Yes, ok I know it's also hectic over there."

"But at least I made time out for Faye. I even drove all the way up there just for you to have me sit in your office waiting for at least a piece of your time."

"I told you I was sorry about that."

"I know you are. All I keep hearing is how apologetic you are but you should also be worrying about yourself too."

"What do you mean?"

"Faye you had bags under your eyes and even without those I could tell that you were tired. I don't even care if you spare me anything. I just want you alive whenever you come home," I sat on our bed feeling worse than when I'd started getting dressed. I was all giddy around finally getting to see her again even after the fact that she hadn't been able to come home at all, "Look, I'm going to take my aunt out for her last night here and I'll call you back later. I love you and please go get something to eat for the day even if it's something small."

"Thank you I will and I love you too darling."

I hung up and fell back on our bed. I heard the door open and shifted so I could see my aunt standing in the doorway, "Trouble in paradise?"


"Hey every couple goes through it. Let's take your mind off it and head out."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes wondering why I would even cry anyway. Tonight isn't about me and I'm not going to make it about me either, "Yea ok lets go."


The next day I'm pleasantly surprised by her appearance at lunch. She walked in with Julie and held a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers. I was a little embarrassed when I heard a whistle. Julie whispered something in Faye's ear that made her wince and freeze but when she left her side she came over to grab my hand, "Wanna talk on the balcony?"

"Yes please. Though I have a knowing feeling I'll still get bothered later over this."

I was grateful that no one was taking a smoke break leaving us to have some actual privacy, "Hey..."

"Hi... Quite a lovely bouquet you have there. It sort of looks like a 'I messed up' one too."

"Yes they are. But I can make it up to you."

I thank her when she passes them over to me enjoying how fresh they smell, "How so?"

"You won't like the first part of it however."

"And this is supposed to be making it up to me?"

"It is... I- there is this opening night over on the other campus that i have to attend but after that I have no reason not to come home. I was thinking we could go to a nice expensive restaurant and after that I will make great efforts to set boundaries and stay home more."

"I don't want you to just change your situation because of me."

"I know you also want me to take care of myself. And without you technically there to constantly remind me I have lacked behind a bit. I also not only want to be home because of that but just on the sole fact that I miss you, "She looked behind me before pulling me into her. She hummed when our lips connected and I almost dropped the bouquet to wrap my arms around her neck. When we let go of each other we both looked satisfied with the after effect, "So terribly much did I miss you and these soft lips."

She kissed around my face, lifting my mood even more, "Ok."

"Ok? As in ''I'm not in the dog house tonight, ok?"

"Oh you bet your nice ass you are but i'll still let you sleep in the bed. I've missed having your body next to mine."

"Hey i'll take it," She kissed me again and groaned when she heard the door open behind us signaling we were the only ones anymore, "God, can't they go anywhere else? I'll get out of your hair and enjoy the rest of your day honey."

"I definitely will after seeing you."

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