Moonlight - Chapter 10

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Somehow when i first got to this university, the only friends i made were seniors. It made no sense to me but I didn't question anything since they treated me like I was on their level. They never judged if i didn't want to go party with them or when i declined invitations to unneeded frat parties. But they still continued to go along with me before graduation. I speak to a few of them still but most moved back to their hometowns.

"You just missed the turn in"

"I know"

"...It's my turn to now ask if you're gonna kill me"

"No but I'm repaying you for the pizza."

"By driving me into the unknown in my own car?"

"No by giving you a beautiful view"

"Some friends before brought me here. I sometimes come here when I have the time and want a good view of the stars. I don't think we'll see any but the moon is a bright enough star as it is," I glanced over at her and my grin disappeared from her wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, is it inappropriate if I take you there? I can just turn around...," At no answer i park in front of the slightly forested area fully staring at the nonresponsive woman," i'm sorry i'll just-

"It's fine," I could feel the tightening pit in my torso despair but I needed to ask again just to be sure.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... That sounds nice for a change so yes. I'm sure this sounds unprofessional but as you might've heard nothing can outbeat what Mr. Turner did then have pizza with you."

"Mr. Turner?," She had an unrecognisable expression but then just waved the question away with a motion of her hand.

"I'll tell you about it later."

"Stay in the car I'm gonna come on your side," I bite my bottom lip looking around before getting out and to her side. When I opened her side she started to shiver and I grabbed my overpacked bookbag.

Previous to being told i would be helping her tonight i canceled another sleepover at Cherry's place so i had some extra things. I first took ahold of her hand helping her out before taking out a jacket and passing it to her. The next thing I took out of my boots only to see her heels after looking down, "lean on the car"

"Oh!," I quickly lift her leg, taking off her heel and putting the boot on that thankfully fits. And after I do the same with the other, soon grabbing a flashlight and knife for protection before the pizza.

"You know the pizza is gonna get cold out here."

I chuckled to myself realising she's my same height without the heels on just as i lead her through the pathway, "Then hurry up so we can quickly eat it."

"You got napkins right?"

"Yep, wouldn't want to mess up your nice shirt."

"Thank you and also for the jacket and shoes. Oh and also for not wrecking my car."

"I'm just glad I took that business communication class, otherwise I wouldn't have convinced you so well," At the end of that sentence we were here. Having already seen the view i was quick to just find a clean big rock to sit on which was easier said than done.

This place had sort of a downward slope after reaching the top with trees cleared of the area though not many people know about it. It's not the biggest but as I've been told, that isn't necessarily needed. I securely place the pizza box down looking around for anything. Once that's done I look back over to Ms. Hart who's still looking at the sky, "Come sit down and eat"

"I eat fast and I'd hate to go."

"Well you know where it is now. Probably when it's warmer you can visit here more."

She cheekily smiles towards me with a slice within her hands all while clutching my jacket around herself, "Your repayment has been successful"

A warm tingly feeling fills me in the moment as i return her smile wondering what i'm feeling, "I more than know it has."

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