This Careless Night - Chapter 59

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I had told Dale to stay in the cab since I had no intention of staying. I even tipped more after I saw Faye's car and knew this would take a minute. I was already disappointed that she stood me up. I was expectant when I walked in and saw her sitting on the edge of the couch facing the doorway.

She apologized and I thought we were on the same page until she brought up the reasoning as to why, "How could you be so careless as to lose that? You had no problem keeping up with anything and everything else."

"Cleo it was a simple mistake, a drunken one at that. I mean why are you so pent up over a freakin bracelet it can be replaced. And I told you I would be getting busier! It's not my fault that these incompetent fools need someone to do there job for them."

"Faye, not everything can be replaced. The time I spent carving your initials and your first plant can't be replaced. Nor the fact that it was an heirloom from my grandmother can't be replaced. You always say that and it infuriates me every single time! And for fucks sake i know! I've been living through waking up alone. Staying in this big house alone."

"Wait i'm sorry i didn't kno-"

"And if you weren't guilty about it you wouldn't be here looking like a kicked puppy. It's not only that too. I stood waiting at the restaurant that YOU told me to be at. I looked like an idiot tonight and you weren't even concerned as to where the hell I could've been when you got home?"

"What? What restaurant?"

"I texted you several times don't act stupid."

"It had died on me."

"All day? I told you before you left. Reminded you at lunch and before I left work. The waitress even said the person who made the reservation gets reminders too by email and phone. And then you had the audacity to go out and drink with that woman!?"

"It slipped my mind. I had a meeting right before I needed to leave and they were just throwing out issues that I needed to solve then and there. And she- well Aella and I needed to talk..."

Is she not even sorry? What was so important for them to talk about? I need to control myself. I do not want to end up like my father, "I'm going to spend a night with Cherry."

She stood up looking more alarmed now and I left her there to go to our room to take off all this extra effort wasted, "Cleo no we can resolve this at home."

Hurtful words passed through my mind while I took my dress off and I had to actually calm myself down before I spoke, "I'm too furious with you right now and I don't want to say something I will regret."

"Well don't leave then stay here. I can take one of the guest rooms."

After putting on a hoodie and shorts along with a bag with my dress and a few necessities, I placed her invitation on her side of the bed, "No, I need to go and I already told her I was on my way here. Another night alone in our bed won't do me any good. There's this party tomorrow that I want to go to. Here is your invitation If you want to come. I'll text you the address and time tomorrow unless your phone will continue to be dead."

"No it won't."

"Ok well... I love you... I-"

"No, don't apologize, I'm sorry for this. I'll um see you there and I love you too. And be safe please," I wasn't reluctant in going over to her to kiss her. I did truly miss her. It was the one thing I was looking forward to. I sighed and hugged her tight before leaving for the night.


I finally laid down next to Cherry after pacing since I entered my previous room. I'd had the continuing itch to check my phone. It had vibrated several times but I thought it best to leave it be, "You know she's just stressed from her new job."

"I already know that but I told her before she officially applied to let me know if she was distressed. She's pushing me away and I'm unable to do a damn thing about it. She doesn't even realize she's doing it either and I shouldn't have to blatantly tell her that I need attention."

"Cleo... even so maybe you should tell her all of this. She's not a mind reader and sure she's the actual cause in this incident but your relationship with her shouldn't be one sided. We've literally talked about your future with kids and pets and I'm not letting you give up on her all because she couldn't keep it together."

"I've tried."

"No you backed down when she told you no. There is such a thing as rebuttal. And I hope you know I expect this when I have a fight with my lady."

"Oh shut up you two are perfect together."

Cherry shook her head laughing and leaned up to look at me, "Cleo we've had more fights than you two. The makeup sex is hot and it's only small demeneers but you two are usually the ones i go to for assistance as you two normally talk things out."

"Ugh, I know but I was tired. And I didn't want to stay and accidentally say something I didn't mean."

"Look, why don't you get some shut eye. Alexandra said her party will run late and on top of that you two are getting back together tomorrow either with or without my help."

"Yea yea why don't you worry about keeping your hands above Lisa's clothing."

"Hey don't judge me for being touchy. I love showing that I won her. And if I'm not mistaken it is almost customarily noticeable how there's hickeys around Faye's neck and I bet there's more where the eye cannot see."

"Shut up, I'm going to sleep. And tell her I'm sorry for waking her up."

"She understands already, don't worry. Goodnight my friend, don't overwork your brain and just let it rest."

"I'll try and keep it down please."

"I cannot make any promises I don't plan on keeping."

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