Stood Up - Chapter 58

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After ringing her bell a numerous amount of times she'd finally answered. When she did open it I pushed past her to head towards the couch having felt the pain that comes with these heels after just a short period, "Well hello to you too. And look at you all jazzed out and all just to come see me?"

"In your wildest dreams Cherry. I just didn't feel like having to go back home to do all this. And it's a shorter drive going from your place anyway."

"Where ya heading to after?"

"I'm meeting Faye at this... 'Cibo Matto' restaurant. I haven't had time to actually look at the place but Faye gave it good reviews."

"Are you guys celebrating something?"

"No... wait maybe? I don't know."

"Question it later?"

"Yes please."

"Also Lisa's friend Alexandra is having this dinner slash, whatever else it is tomorrow. And I want you and Faye to come."

"Oh, so there's pros of being on your girlfriend's good side."

"Yep. And I would be a fool not to invite you especially since I don't want to be the only one out of place there with her and her other rich friends."

"Hey don't say that I'm sure you'd get along fine with them unless you meet some snob."

"I told her that I wouldn't be afraid to give a beating and she just laughed. I was dead serious."

"Maybe I should warn her too just in case."

"Don't you dare. I've already let you off the hook for showing Lisa my baby pictures. I didn't even know you had such a thing on your phone."

"After your mom showed how such a cute baby you were, I wouldn't dare leave that memory there. Had to come along for the ride."

She slapped my knee and reached behind the couch for an envelope, "Here's both the invitations. Don't lose them. Lisa said that Alexandra and her folks were going all out and got security to keep the 'scrumps' out. And as funny as it would be seeing your ass get hauled away they're gonna take me away too for fighting to save you."

"I am just lucky that you have my back. And I don't lose things... most of the time."

I cursed under my breath when I looked at the time, having known if I left now I would still be late, "I need to go, I think I'm going to be late."

"I'll speak to you later and enjoy yourself. You both really need it."

"Thanks, speak to you soon."


Well I was wrong about her being the first one here. It's been close to four hours full of unconnected calls, a few texts in the beginning before I started calling and a bottle and a half of this fancy sounding wine when I gave up. It was beyond humiliating seeing patrons come and go and then start to clear up.

I hadn't even noticed I was the last until a woman walked up to my table startling me a bit, "Ma'am i know you were waiting on someone but we're about to close. Jeff said you can stay until they close the kitchen in case your date does show up."

I looked at my watch seeing it was close to ten now. I sighed glad that I had already paid for myself earlier, "No it's fine... I'll leave and thank you though."

"No problem but at least let me call a cab for you. It honestly won't take long, and if you keep this to yourself, it'll get me out of doing the dishes."

"Oh I remember when I used to do anything to get out of doing dishes."

"Worked in the industry?"

"Wren's Waterside a couple miles back."

"Trying to get a scoop off us huh?"

"No no, I'm still loyal but you needn't worry about me. And yes that cab call sounds really good right now."

"I'll also get you some water to go so you sober up a bit."

I was about to decline until I got up and could barely do so without leaning solely onto the table, "Thank you that would really help, you're an angel."

"That's what I should be calling you," She winked at me before leaving me alone which confused me. Was I flirting? I didn't mean to if I did...

I shook my head which only increased my dizziness and made my way over to the exit. I waited by the door, resting my back and head against the wall. Soft taps on my shoulder brought me back to my previous waitress who stood with a bright smile and a cup.

"I didn't want it to be just anyone so my cousin's coming. And before you say no he was already on the way here and planned on doing some rounds anyway."

"They shouldn't ever make you do dishes after this."

"Please tell my manager that. I think he has something against me after I turned him down over liking women. It's not my fault that I like silicon off girls rather than the real deal," Her openness shocked me but thankfully was a nice distraction. Over the next thirty minutes or so I spent talking to her all while I still haven't even gotten her name. I repeatedly checked my phone during it and soon told her why I was here in the first place.

"How could she stand you up?"

"That's what I want to know too."

A notification sounded and I was ever so hopeful it was mine however it wasn't, "Dale said he's here so you do just that. Hate to see you go though, I enjoyed talking to you."

"Me too, I enjoyed the company."

Yelling erupted from the back after what must have been the sound of multiple plates breaking, "Better go see what that's about but enjoy your night."

"Hope your situation clears up by the way and so do you too."

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