Past Revealed - Chapter 44

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After returning to campus we again had to part ways but only for a little bit. Edith must have told Marshall about my decision as he sent an email asking if I wanted to start now. With all my classes coming to an end I really had nothing better to do than gawking at Faye so I agreed. After a couple of hours there he gave me my freedom and said once my deposit slip is filled out this'll day will be docked.

In Faye's car now I went over my day and the new people and tasks that I would soon be fully doing. I know there's much harder things I'm going to have to do but it's nice that they're slowly reeling me in. And with graduation a mere week and a half away and Cherry ushering me to start moving my things to hers I know I'll be bound to get busy soon.

"Are you gonna tell me why that legs have been shaking? I was half serious when I brought it up at lunch but it's continued all throughout that till now."

I was in a deep daze as certain ideas were rushing through my head and the peculiar yet true statement made me mentally pause. I shifted in place feeling a pit at the bottom of my stomach but ignored it to finally admit the fault, "Edith hit on me earlier. I didn't know how to bring it up, I'm sorry."

I felt the need to keep apologizing all while a sharp turn positioned us on the side of a fairly quiet road. It was also an unexpected move and I believed if I ran now she wouldn't be able to catch me, "When was this?"

"When I went to see her this morning," I grabbed onto her now limp hand afraid of the fact she hadn't looked over at me yet.

"Edith as in that married counselor or advisor or whatever the hell she is? She used to brag about her husband at any faculty party I've seen her at."

"She said she was divorced."

When she finally did look at me she was biting her lip as she started to caress the palm of my hand, "...How close is Marshall's office to hers. "

"Well the good thing is that she's on the first floor while he's on the second."

"Where will your office be?"

"I don't even know if i'll have one but i know it'll most likely be around the other accountants which are on the other side of the building away from her."

"She came onto you... and what... just what happened?"

"I don't know! She was talking a bunch and being touchy and I thought nothing of it because I think she's always been like that. Then she leaned in after asking me a sorta direct question and i didn't know how to just say Faye is my girlfriend please don't tell anyone then and i leaned back and fell and left. I did tell her that I'm with someone though. She understood and said she'd be fine as friends."

"Oh that's a lie. Little country wench. I never liked her anyway. I'm glad I have a good enough hook in you for you to turn her down. She's pretty and all but I know she has a mean streak. God we've both had a dramatic day."

"So... am I in the clear?"

She looked back over to me and I pondered exactly what thoughts were going through her head. She took the same hand I was trying to find comfort in and brushed over my cheeks then lips momentarily looking down at them, "Yes honey you did nothing wrong. You did what most people wouldn't. What, did you think I'd have you sleeping on the couch because of this?"

"Sort of yes."

"Oh you are just the sweetest thing, come here," I happily obliged, leaning over the middle section of the car to woefully kiss her. She raked a hand up the back of my spine and I tried to make myself as comfortable as possible to continue this moment. Her lips tasted like vanilla and she smelled like a bouquet of flowers. She always felt soft to the touch and maybe i'm over exaggerating it but i truthfully don't care. Faye was the first to let go but had her hands now on the collar of my shirt keeping me in place, "I'll even give you a reward in fact."


"Yes, but your gonna have to take a ticket and nicely wait on it until your mom's out of the house alright?"

"A thousand times yes."

She tapped my nose and pulled me in for another kiss, this one albeit shorter, "Good. Now that that's settled let's find something to bring home and eat. I'm absolutely starving."

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