New Lady - Chapter 5

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It was a bright and cold Sunday. I knew it would be slow today because of that but they still booked me all day. I just hope Robert, the morning manager, isn't up my ass about anything.

I was glad that Cherry would be working with me today. She was my work best friend I mentioned, only being a few years older yet having started when i came my freshman year. I know she'd been working harder lately since she wanted to become a manager too. She'd also been the only one I've been able to successfully put my trust into without backlash.

Finishing that thought I was now at the restaurant taking in the expensive surroundings. I waved at a few of the other waitresses that I didn't quite talk to heading to the backroom. I made quick work of putting my bookbag away before looking in the mirror for any errors I could correct.

I wore the same thing from yesterday, a black button down, some black slacks with the nicest pair of flats I owned. I was mainly going to be a working receptionist but there might be some people who call out so it is better to be prepared to move around than not.

My eyes went wide as hands, no doubtedly Cherry's, the only person I'd let do this, spun me to look at her. "They promoted me!," She was a giddy mess hanging me and i returned it saying congratulations between being spun around, "And that's not even the best part. Guess who i'm replacing."


"Robert! He fucked up argueing with one of the investors. You know he's always been inappropriate with women and said the wrong thing to the wrong person. I was there when Wren fired him. And right after she gave me the job!"

"I'm so happy for you Cherry!"

"We have to celebrate today. You don't have to close today and since it's only my first day Wren said i didn't have to stay late tonight. Plus it'll give me a chance to catch up with you."

"I don't know... Someone might call out and you know how that goes."

"Cleo honey as your one and only friend as you are to me, i need you to come to my place, since i know my roommate will be out with her boyfriend and get drunk and be happy for me."

"I mean I didn't say no but how could I refuse free booze?"

"We could even start a movie marathon!"

"I'm on board with movies but if it somehow turns into rewatching Grey's Anatomy I'm breaking that TV."

"Girls scout honor that i won't. Now go on and get out there. I have to mentally prepare myself for any snobby complaints from the high and mighty rich folk."


Sighing again I heard the ring of the bell from the door. I was already in the middle of making a reservation for Mrs. Thompson when I saw Ms. Wren's sister walks through. I only know what she looks like because of the family photo of Wren's desk plus the few times she had come.

She had this kind of sly smile whenever we met , though i never questioned it, "Hi Mrs. Wren, could you just give me a second with this? Though you're free to just go back there if you're here for your sister."

She nods, continuing to stand before the receptionist as I finish up my call. When i'm done it's all entered in the computer and i focus my full attention on her, "How long have you been working here?"

"Almost three years now. Why?"

"I've just always seen you since i only visit on the weekends," This is where my strict no small talk coincides. I didn't know what else to say so i stood there for a moment looking anywhere but her, "I'll get out of your hair now, though i'm sure to talk more to you next time."

She gives one of Wren's signature smiles and I'm almost positive it runs in the family. After that I was glad Cherry came to my side bumping into me slightly, "What did she want?"

"She just asked me how long i'd worked here for."

"Weird. But Wren said we could go now. One of the new guys is coming to replace you though since we're closing soon there won't even be much to do," She'd already ushered me past the desk and I smiled at who must've been replacing me.

"Where are we going to celebrate"

"Just my place, we were having a grown woman sleepover in which booze is required. But don't worry, I'll still let you come even if you don't have any."

"You just need to worry about yourself lightweight," Who knows maybe she'll hold her liquor this time.

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