A Bit Bold - Chapter 3

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Throughout the car ride, while i hate small talk, it was either do that or sit in an uncomfortable silence. So now I know she's over the business communication sector and some other part of English studies. And with the sole fact she has almost eight classes; like it's no wonder she needs help. First of all who even gave her that many options and second how many papers will i have to grade until my eyes fall out.

Then once we left the car and went into her building I had to all but force my eyes from hovering around her backside as she led me through. I distracted myself by looking around not wanting to be disrespectful.

I've only been to the English hall or whatever they call this building a few times. While I love writing, I knew with all the brainpower it requires I wouldn't be a great fit for one of the majors. Though that didn't stop me from tutoring for a few semesters.

She points to two doors we pass , looking straight at me and smiling before speaking, "The two other rooms beside mine are Mrs. Harrison's and Mr. Lui's. They are the two head professors here other than myself for English majors," she motions for me to follow and of course I am in an unfamiliar place.

Just a bit down she leads me into an office space in which, i'm not gonna lie clutter all over the desk. When i look over to the woman in question who just calmly passes by me going to sit behind her desk she just shrugs her shoulders, "Yes i know it looks bad but these kids like to wait until the last minute when i'm not expecting them to turn anything in. So now I'm behind and with the upcoming assignment I already gave out, I know they're going to just do it again."

I sit down in the opposing chair and she gets up then to start shuffling papers into a neat pile, "I understand that but i picked you as the kind not to be unorganized."

She pauses momentarily looking at me with a raised brow, "How so?"

I take a step forward putting my hands out to take the pile of papers in her own hands allowing her to continue in cleaning her desk, "You look so put together in the way you stride and even your car. Though the work is no problem. I've helped my professors before but i'm not a maid," she scoffs after creating a space for me to put the pile onto.

"I already know that. Quite the bold one, aren't you?"

"I'm not afraid to say what I think. I'm pretty sure I put that in my essay if you don't remember miss scholarship overlooker," She nods pointing at the sofa that is adjacent to her desk. I make the movement simple by going to sit down and she does the same but gets preoccupied for a moment writing something before looking back over to me.

"This is where we'll mostly get things done but there will occasionally be times where we meet in my designated classroom. And as i've already stated there will be a few nights but i'd like to know your schedule."

"That's very easy to answer. I have only online classes. On Fridays I work the night shift and on weekends I work all day at the diner down the street."

"There's no dinner down the street..."

"Ok it's a bit further. Um it's by that new audit business that opened up."

"What's the name"

''Wren's Waterside restaurant," I hate telling people where I work. Don't get me wrong, the job is wonderful besides the snobby customers and the pay is above minimum wage even though I'm part time. But it's the most expensive place around Helena and due to past experiences people always ask to get in through me like I'm some kind of key to the door.

"Will you be fine working for me?"

"I had two jobs before I even got the scholarship. I dropped the other one because I knew I'd have to work through the week."

"That didn't answer my question."

"It won't be a problem."

"I won't let you work on Fridays but I'll need you every other day. And please if you feel overwhelmed I'll let you take off but don't run yourself into a grave."

"I won't but thank you," I mirror her smile feeling a warm tingling sensation from her kind words. It's not the first time someone has been concerned for me but it's different coming from her for some reason.

"While you have that smirk on your face your first task is to check those. I trust your academics enough for you to grade truthfully. Anything you don't finish will be there for tomorrow. And i'll only skim everything when i have to put grades in."

"I'll get right on it."

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