The Unexpected - Chapter 18

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By the time I gathered my few belongings it was dark out. I was glad she offered since walking around at this time wasn't as pleasing when I first thought about it.

"Not to accuse your pristine car of anything, but it's eating up my suitcase," Granted the bag i was using was far past due it's time to retire but it could easily hold a week's worth of clothes with no problem still. I stepped back looking at her trunk and the stuck object crossing my arms over themselves.

I heard a car door close and even with the street light I wasn't sure if it was her or someone else; I don't think I was always this paranoid at night. I stepped back in to try my luck again until two hands settled on my back making me jump, "Sorry and don't pull harder, it's just going to rip more. Why didn't you just put it in the backseat?"

"I don't know," She moved beside me with one hand still on my back with the other reaching for the troubling object with ease. At that point it was favoring her since there wasn't a problem when she got it out, "Thank you not only for the help but for driving me here."

In that moment many things happened. First it was the brief but serious expression she gave then it was her yelp. My knees and hands hurt with one of them trying and successfully shielding her head from the drop so it wouldn't crack open. I had all my weight pushed onto her and if someone saw the position we were in it might look like I was weirdly hugging her on the ground.

She gasped silently as I slowly lifted myself. I wasn't unsure if her cheeks were flushed because of the temperature or the predicament we were in. I watched her movements carefully as her hands rested on my chest not pushing but just... there. And the other traveled lower and I felt it on my thigh.

I moved that leg seeing her gasp again and look down. I followed her gaze, finding my leg pressed up against something warm and oh-, "I'm so so sorry. I didn't realize-

"It's fine just help me up, it's cold," I quickly leapt onto my feet conflicted as to how my heart could beat so fast right now. I'd only felt like this on roller coaster rides or something exciting. But I guess having my knee up against my professor's crotch is the same excitement but in a different category.

It was easy getting her up though it might only be from shock that i'm a bit numb right now, "Did you get hurt anywhere? I tried my best shielding your head."

She pulled her skirt down by her knees then crossed her arms looking all over me, "I'm fine but your hands..."

I checked my palms, noticing the few scratches I'd acquired from the concrete, but it's nothing I haven't seen before. And thank god I wore pants today, "It's not that bad. I'll get Cherry to look at it. Plus her moms a doctor and I'll be seeing her Monday so I can make her look then too," Don't ramble on and on, your fine she's definitely fine it's all ok. Just gotta make it inside.

"Well... hurry up inside. I'll see you-


"Yes, right tomorrow. Just um text me when you're ready. Good night Cleo," She squeezed my hand giving a reassuring smile and at that i let her go grabbing my stuff from the ground. I didn't think I could safely turn back to look at her so I kept walking until I was in the building. Low and behold there Cherry is waiting in the lobby with her head in her phone. My legs were buckling under pressure and I was sure as cheese and crackers that I was gonna have a heart attack.

I forced a smile not that I'm not happy with recent events, only more confused than ever by some unexpected thoughts, "I feel kinda neglected, it's like your phone is my replacement."

"Mom kept sending her cringe memes," Cherry had grown a smile as she stood still looking into her phone but it instantly turned upside down after looking at me, "What's wrong Cleo?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You look like you just witnessed the impossible. Did something happen to that professor?"

"What? Pfff no i just- it's cold outside y'know. Can we just go up? I'm really tired."

"...Sure, but I'm going to ask again tomorrow," I could already predict that. But atleast i might be more settled with a good night's rest.

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